Warhammer 40K: New Aeldari ‘Strands of Fate’ Ability Allows For The Best Dice Rolls

Tzeentch and Adepta Sororitas just got some competition for dice manipulation. The Aeldari bring ‘Strands of Fate’ for the best dice rolls.
Warhammer 40,000 is a game that involves a lot of dice. Most armies can manipulate dice results with various auras or re-roll. But a rare few can simply swap dice out for a different result. The Aeldari are about to join that elite club with their new ‘Strands of Fate’ ability.
“Forewarned is forearmed, and Strands of Fate gives you a vital weapon in the eternal war against bad rolls. This powerful mechanic allows you to exert a measure of control over your luck at critical moments – provided the future is kind enough to show you the outcomes you desire.”
Okay…so to start you’re getting to roll 6 dice at the start of every battle round. Depending on the game size, you’ll be able to save a different number of those dice. So far, so good. Seems like you’re going to get a lot more dice over the course of the game compared to a Adepta Sororitas army in 40k or a Disciples of Tzeentch army in AoS. But keep reading…
So those dice you rolled need to have a specific dice roll to replace a corresponding roll on the chart above. But if you DO replace one of those rolls, it’s just a straight-up 6. With some very smart planning you can ensure you’re going to have that critical 6 when you need it. Are you about to get into a long-charge? Save your 2s. Are you needing a Psychic power to go off? Save your 3s. You get the idea.
This ability takes some luck and some planning but having a pool of dice that are just going to be 6s when you need them is extremely handy!
The Best Dice Rolls
The Strands of Fate ability certainly puts a new spin on dice rolling. On one hand you’ve still got to roll the right dice relative to the test you want to make. But you get to roll 6 dice at the start of EACH Battle Round. And you know which results will be 6s after that point. That seems like a great way to get the consistent results you want.
Personally, I’m not sure I’m a fan of these types of mechanics in general. However, I do appreciate your ability to swap out the dice rolls is more limited. You still need to roll that specific result to swap out a die for a 6 on your saves for example. But the Aeldari are going to get a TON of these dice during the game depending on the size. They are going to have lots of chances to roll the dice they need, too. I guess we’re going to have to see how this one plays out on the tabletop.
What do you make of this new Dice Manipulation power of the Aeldari?