Warhammer 40K Next Week: Aeldari Codex, Maugan Ra, And More

It’s an aelvalanche of Aeldari next week with the release of Codex Aeldari and a host of new miniatures. Space elves are back!
The Aeldari are an ancient race of powerful, nigh-immortal xenos. And often the most ancient thing about them are there miniatures. Pick up an old Dark Reaper and you’ll feel the heft of ages. Until the coming weekend, of course, when all-new plastic kits for a whole swath of models release alongside Codex Aeldari.
Let’s get right to it.
First up, the behemoth of a tome that is Codex Aeldari. This single book collects together everyone that isn’t a Dark Aeldar–so Asuryani, Ynnari, and Harlequins. Everyone gets lore, art, new campaign rules, and of course new rules, including five different psychic disciplines because nobody loves space magic more than space elves.
When the book is marketed as “only eight pages shorter than Codex: Space Marines” you know which faction is dad’s second favorite. Sure, Aeldari got the lead in the school play and got into a good school, but Space Marines made captain of the team and made valedictorian and got voted prom king.
But Aeldari players can take solace in the fact that they have a ton of new miniatures coming up for pre-order this weekend, including:
A reborn Maugan Ra. Maugan Ra is a grim specter and a reborn Phoenix Lord and with his scythed shuriken cannon, the Maugetar, he’s taking aim at Mortarion for grimmest reaper in the 41st millennium.
Hey do you remember when Dark Reapers were the bane of everyone’s existence for like, six months to a year? Then they sort of faded away. Well now they’re back alongside their Phoenix Lord. With tempest launcher, Aeldari missile launcher, shuriken canon, or reaper launcher, these Dark Reapers are a blast from the past.
Also take a look at the new Warlocks. These new kits come with dynamic poses, and a reminder that Aeldari hair is most often just piled up in the point under the helmet.
Also Guardians got an update. I’m not sure what this is an omen portending, but it feels almost as ominous as plastic Sisters.
Speaking of ominous portents, take a look at the Triumviate of Ynnead available as individual characters for the first time:
Yvraine, emissary of Ynnead.
The Visarch, who is like an aspiring Avatar of Khaine.
And the Yncarne, herald of Ynnead, complete with space magic.
All this, next week!