Warhammer 40K Rumors: CSM Next Codex Rules Tidbits

While the Aeldari codex buildup and LVO was taking up all the oxygen, a big batch of CSM rumors slipped out of the woodwork.
These aren’t the latest, and have been doing the rounds with some minor tweaks over the past week. They came from B&C and Reddit. Here’s the latest word on what may come in an upcoming CSM codex:
“Ok so here is a bunch of info I managed to come by from secure sources: CSM doctrine:
exact same thing as SM, except replace +1AP with exploding 6s (unmodified hits)
- vengeance +1 CA
- wrath +1ap melee
- flame +1ap shooting
- excess +1 to hit melee
- despair 6s to hit = autowound
All legions are getting 6 WT, 8 relics & 8 stratagems
Legion traits:
- -2LD & -1CA @ 9”
- +1 to advance & +1 to charges
- When using a pistol/assault/melee vs below half strenght unit or LD 6 and below = +1 to wound
- Ignores cover
- Reduce ap1/2 by 1
- Heavy/grenade vs vehicules/buildings/units in cover = +1 to wound
- Charges/HI = reroll hits
- 5+++ vs MW
- When using a pistol/assault/melee = 6s to wound cause 1MW (capped @ 3MW per unit)
- ignore CA
- +1 to hit when charge or shoot closest unit
- rapid fire/assault/pistol = exploding 5s (hit)
EC (4chain leak, not from my sources)
- in the book
- have a way of consistently hitting on 2s (even with thunder hammers)
- Not in the codex
Datasheet info:
- 3w
- can use TH
- no longer in the book
Warp talon
- 2w
- lost cancel overwatch
- gained no fallback
- 5a (these are total with claws)
- still have the -1LD aura
- +2a
- can shoot units that are in engagement range with them (like wraithguard)
- in melee they have powerfists without the -1 to hit
- 3 different shooting profiles
- exactly the same as right now but 2w
- something to ignore invuls (4chan leak, so take with a grain of salt, leak said EC chosen could destory custodes hitting with TH on a 2+ and with strat ignore invul saves)
- NL deepstrike strat for jump packs, DS turn 1
- NL vox scream disables AURAS
- IW ectoplasma forgefiend can hit on 2+ and does flat 4 damage
- New cultist unit HQ
- New mutant culstists
Normally these type of rumors come and go, but whispers on the grapevine says that this set in particular may be close to the mark. Beyond any individual unit rules, I am most interested in the note that the World Eaters are NOT in the codex. This obviously is another datapoint towards them getting that standalone codex – said to include Angron sometime this edition.
The word of new Cultist HQ options and units feels like a halfway house towards a standalone Codex Traitor Guard, perhaps for 10th edition. GW has added “mini-factions” before that were later spun off into separate armies. I shed no tears for the absence of Mutilators. They will not be missed.
I want to believe…