Warhammer 40K: Yncarne Is Back With New Rules In Codex Aeldari

The Avatar of Ynnead is back with even more deadly rules in the new Aeldari Codex. Death incarnate stalks the battlefield once more!
We’ve been wondering what Games Workshop has been planning for the Ynnari ever since…well, really ever since the new edition started. With the announcement of the new codex, GW hinted that the Ynnari and Harlequins were going to be re-joining their Craftworld cousins in a single book. Now we’re getting a look at the Yncarne and the Avatar of the Aeldari Death-God is back and ready to handle some business.
via Warhammer Community
“The Yncarne is the morbid manifestation of Ynnead – the nascent Aeldari God of the Dead. Like its molten peer, this unsettling entity has become stronger, faster, and tougher than ever before.
It’s no surprise that the embodiment of death would be hard to kill – the Yncarne’s Deathly Form ability offers a 4+ invulnerable save and halves all incoming damage. This provides plenty of time for it to close in on the enemy and start lopping heads from shoulders with its legendary Sword of Souls, Vilith-zhar.”
To start off, yes, you read that correctly. A 4+ Invulnerable AND the ability to take 1/2 damage from all incoming damage. That’s going to up the Yncarne’s survival quite a bit. And when they get into combat, get ready for some serious pain.
The Yncarne is going to be swinging pretty hard with the Piercing Strike. From what we can gather, with 6 base attacks, that’s a minimum of 24 damage if all your attacks hit and wound. But it’s got the potential to spike up to 36 damage if you roll hot.
Against multiple foes, the Sweeping Blow might not hit quite as hard but it will double the attacks to 12. Not too shabby! The sword is also not the only weapon in the arsenal of the Yncarne.
While it’s “only” a 6″ range, this attack gets to fire off at EVERY eligible unit unit in range! That’s a lot of auto-hitting shots to account for. And if you think “well, I’ll just stay away from the Yncarne” guess again.
“…the Yncarne retains its ability to manifest wherever an allied unit is wiped out, seeking revenge for their fallen souls.”
Yep. The Yncarne will run you down. Good luck! And this Avatar of Death also has some nasty tricks in the Psychic Phase, too:
“Fittingly for an avatar of the Whispering God, the Yncarne now knows all psychic powers from the Ynnari’s Revenant discipline.”
Yeah so this whirlwind of death and souls is going to cause some problems. Get ready for the return of the Ynnari because they can slot right into an existing Aeldari force with ease. I wonder if you can run double Avatar trouble with the codex now…
Death becomes incarnate.