Warhammer: Siege of Terra In 60 Seconds?

Can Games Workshop recap the Siege of Terra in 60 seconds? They sure tried!
The Horus Heresy is finally in the home stretch as the Siege of Terra has begun. But maybe you’re a little behind in your reading. There were only…54(!!!) books leading up to the Siege in the Horus Heresy series. And the Siege has also had 6 novels and 2 novellas so far. It’s fair to say that while the battle has been heating up a LOT has happened. So GW is attempting to recap the events in 60 seconds. Good luck.
“But can anyone tell the entire story in just 60 seconds? Warning: if you’ve not read all of the Siege of Terra series yet, this video contains major spoilers!”
Well, it was a valiant effort. Nice work Wade! It’s going to be tough to explain EVERYTHING that happened at the Siege with all those different players. And if you want to get up to date you’re going to want to get reading.
Hidden Message?
So if you stuck around to the end of the video you might have noticed the timer at the bottom of the page:
It’s supposed to be the seconds ticking away as Wade is talking about all the action. However, the last couple seconds do something odd and skip ahead to these numbers:
Again, it’s supposed to be a clock or counter of some type. I just don’t know how you go from 09689 to 10790 in one tick. If you’ve got any idea how that works with some different counting/clock system please let us know in the comments. I was thinking that maybe it’s supposed to be a date of some sort – but GW typically lists dates as most of Europe does. So that would probably be the 1st of July…’90? That seems odd. Perhaps it’s a refences to some other release date(s)?
Funnily enough, July 1st, 2022 is a Friday. Forge World typically releases models on Friday. Maybe it’s clue? Not sure – but if you’ve got any ideas, again, drop them in the comments!
In the meantime, get ready for the Black Library Celebration 2022 and start your (reading) engines!
The epic story continues!