Warhammer: The Old World – Grand Cathay Gets A Fancy Map For The First Time Ever

Warhammer: The Old World is finally going where Games Workshop has never really explored before. We’re going to Grand Cathy!
GW is dropping a new map on us along with some big news. Grand Cathy is coming to play in the Old World.
“Cathay is really nicely fleshed-out in the upcoming Total War: Warhammer III, but this wasn’t always the case. Below is the first ever map of the known world, published in the second edition of the game all the way back in the mid 80s. As you can see, none of the now-familiar nations had much detail.”
Far East Mystery
Cathy has always been a bit of a mystery from the Old World. In fact, the only hints we really got from anything east of the World’s Edge Mountains was the Ogre Kingdoms. But that was then…here’s where we are now:
“Grand Cathay is such a vast land that we have decided to focus – for now – on its north-western regions. So behold them, in all their glory! The Warhammer: The Old World team has been busy developing this area as part of our support for the guys at Creative Assembly for some time, so that games of Total War: Warhammer III set in this region feel every bit as rich and characterful as games set anywhere else in the world.”
It’s interesting to note that this map is valid for both the Total War: Warhammer III game as well as the Old World setting that is currently being developed. While those two settings are on slightly different timelines, you can rest assured that this land doesn’t change much. That’s partly because it’s ruled by immortal shape-shifting dragons. Seems like a pretty solid reason to us!
This map is BONKERS. I really hope that Games Workshop manages to put up some sort of super high-rez version of it when it’s complete. I can’t wait to see the entire Old World in all it’s glory!
Warhammer: The Old World News
If you just skimmed the article from GW you might have missed this little tidbit too:
“Cathay will also be coming to the tabletop in the upcoming Warhammer: The Old World.”
YEP! Add one more army to the list for The Old World! I can’t wait to see all those cool units in plastic and on the tabletop. For now, we’ll have to settle for playing them in Total War: Warhammer III.
Grand Cathy and the Old World — Get excited!