Welcome to the New BoLS Website

We have an updated, all new BoLS website. Let’s take a quick tour!
Right off the bat – WELCOME!
The old site was getting pretty long in the tooth and it was time for a change! So here’s what is going on, and the things our site redesign has for you.
First up the new navbar. You will notice our top categories are on there – and it scrolls from left to right. You will see the big categories we used to have and a few new ones.
Note that some of the categories have pulldowns such as “GUIDES” and “MORE”.
Also note that to the very left of the navbar is “LATEST”. You can always click that get a listing of our most recent posts across all topics from anywhere on the site. Nice and easy to find if you want that type of navigation.
I’m sure you’ve noticed these two logos. One of the biggest reasons for our new site is we have a lot of content these days and it was getting hard for users to keep track of all of it. The main BoLS frontpage has all of our content, as always. Now we’ve added two new “hub pages” for you to let you drill down a little deeper into some of our areas of coverage.
This is a page that focusses on all our coverage for:
- Movies
- TV
- POP Culture
- Video Games
- Cosplay
- Marvel/DC
- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- Anime
And that kind of thing.
Dice Fanatic:
This is a page that focusses on all our coverage for:
- Warhammer 40K
- Age of Sigmar
- Dungeons & Dragons
- RPGs
- Boardgames
- Magic The Gathering
- Miniatures
- How to Play Guides
And that kind of thing.
Latest Videos / Trending Topics / Latest Posts
In the middle of the frontpage we have a section for our latest YouTube videos, some of our trending topics, you can access directly, and another section for our most recent stories.
Article Scrolling
When you are reading a story, you can smoothly scroll down to further related stories on that same subject. It should work MUCH better than it did before. DISQUS comments are unchanged from before.
Topic Sections
We have completely redesigned our topic pages, so it is much easier to find content on any particular subject. Also remember you have the Search Bar at the very top of the page and inside the “burger menu” on the upper right corner.
Site Speed & IT
We have done a lot of updating behind the scenes. This site is faster and smoother to use, particularly on phones that we have ever been. It should load faster, be easier to use and overall be a much better experience than we have ever had.
Happy reading!