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Age of Sigmar: What I Hope We See at the Adepticon Preview

3 Minute Read
Mar 23 2022

Yet another big Age of Sigmar Adepticon reveal is fast on the horizon, and it could have a bunch of exciting new things.

Ah yes, the most wonderful time of the year: Adepticon. This massive wargaming convention is one of the largest in the country, and pulls in players of all stripes from all over the world. Of course, for those of us not lucky enough to snag a ticket, we can look forward to exciting new reveals. Games Workshop in particular has promised a cornucopia of upcoming products for almost all their properties, and I’m excited. Admittedly, I was a little disappointed with the last batch of reveals, but I think GW will really pull out all the stops for this one. Here are 3 things that I hope we see for AoS specifically.

Ossiarch Archers

We saw them in the Underworlds warband, and I think it’s high time we get them on the tabletop. After all, we know that Nighthaunt are getting a snazzy new crossbow unit. As Nagash’s enforcers, the Ossiarchs can’t let some simply GHOSTS show them up. Katakros would never allow Olyndr to have something he didn’t get himself, and Adepticon would be the perfect place to show them off. Even an Ossiarch ranged hero would be cool if we aren’t allowed a full unit just yet.

Mystery Chaos Book

Thanks to the last timeline post, we know that GW is planning a new Order release alongside a Chaos tome. Reading into subtle hints, the most likely contender seems to be Skaven, but it could be any number of things. Skaven or Beasts are certainly deserving of a new book, but with the most recent Beasts update in White Dwarf I think we’ll have to wait just a little longer for them. Skaven were one of my favorite armies back in Fantasy, and they’ve become a bit of a forgotten faction in AoS 3.0. Here’s hoping GW rectifies that and makes them the terrifying and hilarious force they once were.


I know, I know, I’m a broken record, but come ON! GW has been dangling Malerion and the Umbraneth in front of us for ages with barely any payoff. The closest we’ve gotten is the new Daughters of Khaine hero, but she doesn’t count. With Aeldari getting a snazzy new Avatar, a set of updated Dark Aelves charging to battle alongside shadowy daemons and the Shadow Lord himself (no not you Be’Lakor) isn’t a far reach. But, as usual, I’ll probably just have to wait for the next cycle to breathe my wishes into the universe.



Author: Clint Lienau
  • Age of Sigmar: What Inspires You To Play?