AoS: 3 Things I Hope We Get From Cursed City Expansions

Ulfenkarn has fallen, but that doesn’t mean Radukar is done with the heroes of the Adamant. What new dangers could the giant wolf vampire have in store?
It’s official; Cursed City is coming back for a limited re-release. What does that mean? For a lot of people, it means they can finally play the game. If you’re one of the few who’s been sitting up there in their ivory tower? We’ll likely see the promised expansions at long last.
The original release was viewed by many as a bit of a mess. Supply shortage, scalpers, and the apparent abandonment of the property left a lot of fans with a bad taste in their mouth. However, GW heard our cries of anger. Now we’re finally returning to Ulfenkarn. Hopefully Soulblight fans are cheering while filthy scalpers weep over their plastic towers.
But what, pray tell, could GW bring with expansions? The original set was a perfectly contained narrative, so the next chapter will have to be suitably epic. Well, I have some hopes of my own,. With that in mind, here are three things I hope the expansions bring to Warhammer Quest.
New Heroes
One of the best things about Cursed City is the group of plucky heroes that delve into the haunted streets to take down the fiendish Radukar and liberate the citizens. However, interesting as they are, I think there’s plenty of room to expand the roster. Perhaps noted vampire hunters, the the von Densts, will be attracted by the success of the heroes. Alternatively, previously unexplored factions like the Umbraneth or perhaps even the Seraphon could send emissaries to join the crew of the Adamant. It would add new strategies and challenges to the game, and make the quests even more epic.
New Enemies
As cool as the skeletal hordes, ravenous animals, and deadly bestial vampires are, there’s a lot of room in Ulfenkarn for new threats. After all, the Vyrkos are totemic creatures, so it would be fun to see their more animalistic side. Perhaps some Werewolves, or maybe one of the other totem vampires like a rat or bat, could turn up to try to salvage Radukar’s failure. In fact, Belladama herself could make an appearance, trying to reclaim the domain of her favored son. The possibilities are endless, and the dangers they could present both to the heroes of the game and the Realms at large would be a sight to see.
Aerial Combat/Ironclad Raid
This one is a bit of a longshot, but I’d love to see one of the antagonists actively try to hunt the heroes. It could be as simple as a chase map set inside the Ironclad itself, with failure setting the heroes waaay back. It could also be fun to have the Ironclad trying to dodge flying enemies, like swarms of bat or even a Zombie Dragon. While this is highly unlikely, I still think it could make the game even more incredible than it already is.
What do you want to see in Cursed City’s expansions?