‘Batman Returns’ Catwoman Cosplays are the Cat’s Meow

These Catwoman Cosplays are better than Catnip.
The internet is abuzz with excitement over the newest revamp of the Batman franchise since The Batman drops this week in theaters. The story centers largely around a plot with Selina Kyle, and today we’re celebrating with some purr-worthy Catwoman cosplays!
Along with Harley Quinn, Catwoman is one of the most popular characters from DC to see done in cosplay. She has a myriad of looks from many decades of projects, and there is no shortage of creative material for cosplayers to choose from.
Whether it’s comic, video game, or movies and shows, Catwoman is a character that DC comics cosplayers simply cannot resist. There is no version of Catwoman that is more popular than that of Michelle Pfeifer’s iconic version rom Batman Returns. With the barely-there stitched-on suit and dark smudgy eyeliner, this Selina is dark, gritty, and entirely evocative.
This week, we’ve taken a dive into the deep cosplay vaults to display some incredible works of cosplay art with these Batman Returns Catwoman cosplays. We look forward to seeing Zoe Kravitz on the silver screen in the upcoming movie, and hope you enjoy these cosplays in the meantime!
Batman Returns Catwoman Cosplay by Alice Yuric
“Honey, I’m home. Oh, I forgot. I’m not married.”
“You’re the second man who killed me this week, but I’ve got seven lives left.”
“Seems like every woman you try to save ends up dead – or deeply resentful. Maybe you should retire.”
“Somebody say fish? I haven’t be fed all day!”
“You poor guys. Always confusing your pistols with your privates.”
Catwoman Cosplay by Rei-Doll
“As I was saying, I’m a woman and can’t be taken for granted.”
“Life’s a bitch, now so am I.”
“No darker than yours, Bruce.”
“It’s the so-called “normal” guys who always let you down.”
“Sickos never scare me. Least they’re committed.”
“I don’t know about you, Miss Kitty, but I feel so much yummier.”
“Bruce, I would – I would love to live with you in your castle… forever, just like in a fairy tale. I just couldn’t live with myself, so don’t pretend this is a happy ending!”
“I am Catwoman. Hear me roar.”
Batman Returns Catwoman Cosplay by May Hemmer
“That’s part of the rule. Never quit. Never let them see you’re afraid. Above all—never let them see you’re hurt. Never let them see you cry. Never.”
“Live fast. Love hard. Die young. Leave a good-smelling corpse.”
“You should understand, Holly. More than anyone else. Sometimes you have to take a life… to save a life.”
Catwoman Cosplay by Dark Side Cosplay
“Freedom is power. To live a life untamed and unafraid is the gift that I’ve been given, and so my journey begins.”
“Please. I wouldn’t touch you to scratch you.”
“By accepting who you are – all of who you are…you can be free. And freedom is power.”
“In my old life, I longed for someone to see what was special in me. You did, and for that, you’ll always be in my heart. But what I really needed was for me to see it. And now I do.”
“Hey Selina, this is yourself calling. Just to remind you that you have to come all the way back to the office and remember to bring home the bruce Wayne file because the meetings on Wednesday…”
Batman Returns Catwoman Cosplay by Andycold
“Just goes to show there’s more honest ways of making a dishonest living. But I like my style the best.”
“The East End. My soul is tied to this place now. Because it’s cost me so much in blood and tears. But this is where the Catwoman was born. And if it has to be, this is where she’ll die.”
“I don’t know about you, Miss Kitty, but I feel so much yummier.”
“To save the world, heroes make sacrifices. That’s the lesson of every story. I wish I could give my life, but I can’t, I have to give more. My sacrifice is my love. It’s you.”
“Wow! The Batman!…or is it just Batman? [Batman Walks Away] Your choice of course!”
“You’re overpaid. Hit the road.”
Catwoman Cosplay by Nadyasonika
“You’re a good man. But you live in a world that has no place for someone like me. You see, sometimes I’m good. But sometimes I’m bad. But only as bad as I wanna be.”
“You saved my life, Midnight. But somebody killed me and I’ve got to find out who and why.”
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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