D&D Accessories: Keep Your Players Screened From Your DM Notes
You have game plans. Big plans. Plans your nosey players can’t know about yet. Keep them secret with these DM screens.
Whether you’re just looking to keep your game notes secret from your players, you need access to lots of charts, or you just like having a little castle in front of you, there’s a DM screen out there for your DMing style.
Initiative And Dice Holding Screen
Some DM screens have a bunch of notes and charts available to reference at a moments notice. But not all DM’s use those, and whether they have eidetic memories or just like to improvise more than stick to the letter of the rules, that’s a completely valid and cool way to play D&D. For those DM’s something like this screen will be perfect. Keep your dice wrangled, your initiative order organized, and your notes safely hidden from player view with this castle shaped screen.
Wooden DM Screen And Rule Books Briefcase
If you’re a DM on the go, Comp Aided Crafting’s laser cut screen-slash-suitcase might be perfect. It has room for 4 rulebooks, notes, and material and opens to guard all of your secrets from the players. The case is handmade, and comes optional with three uniquely bound and beautiful D&D source books.
Dry Erase DM Screen
This is one of those idea so smart, and so simple that I can’t believe I didn’t think of it myself. Dry erase boards are the answer to so many D&D problems. Don’t have a map? Draw it one out really quick on a dry erase board. Don’t know what something looks like? Well I have the dry surface for you to sketch it on and then erase it later. With grid patterns, lines, and blank sections as well as tons of clips, this screen has plenty of space for notes, initiative, names, any anything else you may need to jot down while DMing your next adventure.
Castle DM Screen With Build In Dice Towers
I love the simplicity of this screen. The towers double as dice rollers and the castle finish would look so sharp and fun during any high fantasy game. The entire piece breaks down flat for easy storage or mobility and can double as terrain or backdrop in the right story.
Puzzle Board DM Screen
There are a bunch of puzzle board accessories from card holders to dice towers and even this DM screen. After assembling the screen any notes and sheets you need easily slide in. And when you’re done it folds up into a mechanical looking book. Plus the center features a dice tower. This looks like it’s going to be a silly- albeit pretty- gimmick, but it’s actually incredibly functional.
What kind of DM screen do you use? Did any of our picks make it onto your wish list? Do you like to have charts and cheats handy, or just a way to guard your game notes safe from your players? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!