Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Speed Freaks Vroom Vroom!

Sometimes when the top armies have you down, it’s time to get on your Warbike and ride for the WAAAGH!
Goatboy here and it seems we are in a rough time for 40k. Custodes are roaming the tabletops, Tau hit you in the junk while you are not looking, and the Crusher Stampede is eating all your Oreos. It is a rough time if you are not playing one of these top armies. Heck a lot of better players than me are saying Aeldari are going to be even more of an issue than what we are dealing with right now.
So what is a competitive player to do? Do we just jump on one of the so called best armies and try to roll gud? Do we try to think of something different to play?
I think Speed Freaks are one of those armies that could be a hidden gem on the tabletop. It is fast, can hit pretty hard, and would look cool on the tabletop. I know Orks have sort of dropped off of the radar lately so this type of army would be a fun “surprise” hit for those players expecting one of the best ofs. With that let’s throw something together for you to check out.
Now a quick bit of info I have been slowly gathering Ork stuff to make this army at some point. It is also why I went with Dakkajets versus the Wazboom flyer. It is just what I have to mess with and means I don’t have to do a “ton” to get this army working.
Goatboy’s Speed Freaks – aka Biker on a Budget – V.1
Orks Outrider Detachment – 0CP
Army of Renown – Speed Freaks
Clan – Evil Suns
Deffkilla Wartrike – Kustom Job – Squig-hide Tyres, Warlord – Fasta Than Yooz, Relic – Rezmekka’s Redder Paint – 135pts
Deffkoptas X 3 – 150pts
Deffkoptas X 3 – 150pts
Deffkoptas X 3 – 150pts
Dakkajet – Supashootas X 6 – 120pts
Dakkajet – Supashootas X 6 – 120pts
Orks Outrider Detachment – -3CP
Army of Renown – Speed Freaks
Clan – Evil Sunz
Warboss on Bike – Relic (-1CP) – Da Killa Klas, Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Quick Ladz – 115pts
Warbikers X 9 – Big Choppa – 230pts
Warbikers X 9 – Big Choppa – 230pts
Warbikers X 9 – Big Choppa – 230pts
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies X 3 – Nitro squigs – 355pts
PTs: 2000 CP: 7
Orky Tactics
This is a very simple army designed to advance all the time and try to cover you in bullets. There are bullets everywhere and I will need a ton of dice to make it all work. The idea against Custodes is to just force as many saves as they can as most of the damage is one and hitting at AP -1. Forcing them to get into the 3+ and having a lot of strength 5 and 6 has me trying to force math to work against them. I also have a few combat tricks as well and again – it can just move quickly. The 3 Rukkatrukks are there to hit people hiding away as my army moves forward as fast as they can.
I went with the Quick Ladz warlord trait as this army is always advancing so having units stick their leadership in a huge bubble can be very powerful. There is really only one FW unit as well with the Warboss on Bike so it shouldn’t be too hard for anyone to get.
This is an army I keep thinking about as a way to just have some fun on the tabletop, have something unique, and maybe give some fun games to players who are used to seeing the evil armies out there.