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How to Play Aeldari in Warhammer 40K

7 Minute Read
Jun 19 2024

Today, take a look at some basics of how to play and get started with Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Aeldari.

The Aeldari are an ancient and powerful Xenos race in Warhammer 40K. Known for their psychic prowess, the Aeldari manipulate the other races to manipulate the strands of fate. In recent years the coming of a new god, Ynnead, has fractured the once unified Eldar Craftworlds. As one of the oldest factions in Warhammer 40,000, the Aeldari have an impressively large unit roster.

So below we will offer some tips on how to play Aeldari and how to get started with the army.

Who Are The Aeldari?

The Aeldari or Eldar are an ancient race of elf-like humanoids. Once, they dominated the Galaxy but are currently a dying race. After the Fall of the Eldar they lost their main homeworlds and are currently scattered among the stars and webway in different factions and allegiances.

The Asuryani inhabit planetoid-sized vessels known as Craftworlds. The hardy Exodites inhabit verdant Maiden Worlds. The other Aeldari travel the galaxy as outcasts, renegades, corsairs, and pirates known as Anhrathe. 

Aeldari voidscarred corsair

There are several other Aeldari groups and sub-groups throughout the galaxy. Harlequins are followers of the Eldar god, the Great Harlequin (also known as Cegorach or “The Laughing God”), who was the only one of the two Eldar gods to survive the Fall.

They move throughout the Webway in groups and perform impressive displays of mime and acrobatics. These performances tell the many strange and wonderful stories of the Eldar past, but also the dark and dangerous plays of the Fall. The Ynnari are a new faction of Eldar from all other sects. These are the followers of Ynnead, the newly awakening Eldar God of the dead, who seeks to destroy Chaos.

Why Play Aeldari

The Eldar are a dynamic faction of strong but delicate Xenos. Their Codex represents not just the Craftworlds but also Harlequins, Ynnari, and Corsairs. Do you like classic elves – in space? Specialized units with superior weapons and rules? Do you want to be the last hope of a dying race? Aeldari might just be your faction.

Strengths of the Aeldari Army

  • Specialization! No matter the task, the Eldar have a specialized unit to complete it.
  • Synergy. The Aeldari are able to combine their mastery of fate and psychic powers to pull off devastating combos.
  • Mobility. Eldar have some of the fastest base troops in the game, and even faster vehicles.

Weakness of the Aeldari Army

  • Points cost. While their units are very good, you are paying a premium for things that won’t take a punch. Speaking of which…
  • Toughness. Outside of vehicles, the vast majority of the army is Toughness 3 and 1 wound.

Aeldari Army Rule

  • Strands of Fate– Use these pre-rolled die results to manipulate fate at key points in the battle.

Aeldari Detachment Rules – Battle Host

  • RulesUnparalleled Foresight makes all your units a bit more reliable with some unconditional re-rolls.
  • Enhancements: The fabled Phoenix Gem makes an appearance again, and it is just as effective as ever.
  • StratagemsLightning Fast Reactions should prove just as annoying as always.

Key Aeldari Units To Know

Warhammer 40K Aledari have a sizable unit roster, and knowing what units to take can be tricky. Here are some suggestions to get you off on the right track.


Avatar of Khaine

The Avatar of Khaine is an Epic Hero Monster. Thanks to its Molten Form, the Avatar is far more resilient than appearance at first glance.


The wise leaders of the Eldar Craftworlds, Farseers, are incredibly powerful psykers with great powers like Branching Fates and Fortune.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne is a classic blender monster with a bucket full of shenanigans. Thanks to the Inevitable Death rule, your opponent will never be able to guess when and where the Yncarne will strike next as you teleport across the table time after time after time.

Maugan Ra

The Epic Hero Phoenix Lord of the Dark Reapers greatly enhances his chosen aspect when leading them, thanks to Harvester of Souls.


The Autarch is a nicely customizable commander who can pull off some nice surprises with Superlative Strategist.


Guardian Defenders

The backbone of many Aeldari forces are its Guardians, who gain your army extra Fate dice when in proximity to an objective. They are the cheapest models in the army and an Aeldari player’s one hope of numerical supremacy.

Storm Guardians

The close combat version of Guardians. Storm Guardians are a bit more resilient thanks to their mobile Serpent Shield. They have real utility tagging objectives with Stormblades.

Other Units


Key infiltrators and snipers, Rangers are tricky to pin down with their Path of the Outcast rule.


Windriders are a fast jetbike support unit that can pack a relatively large amount of firepower, thanks to Swift Demise.

Dire Avengers

Dire Avengers are elite Aspect Warriors who excel at clearing chaff and holding objectives.

Striking Scorpions 

An absolutely classic and stealthy Eldar Aspect Warrior, Scorpions excel in infiltration and heavy assault. Thanks to their Mandiblasters, they punch much higher than their weight.

Howling Banshees

Banshees are a lightning-quick assault unit that can slice through armor with ease, thanks to their power swords.

Dark Reapers

These formidable, missile-wielding Aspect Warriors are a great ranged support unit that reflects the visage of death. They ignore ranged modifiers thanks to Inescapable Accuracy.


Wraithguard pack tough, short-ranged weapons and a resilient frame. Enemies will have to think twice about targetting them due to fear of retribution via their War Constructs rule.


Wraithlords are a classic Eldar unit. Powered by the soul of a dead Eldar, these towering constructs are some of your toughest units and create Fate dice with Fated Hero.


The super-sized Wraithlord known as the Wraithknight is an amazing centerpiece model. It is also just about the toughest unit you can field in plastic, thanks to Wraithbone Form.

Fire Prism

The Fire Prism is all about the Prism Cannon, which is absolutely devastating in both Focused and Dispersed modes of fire. The chassis itself is tough enough and fast enough to make that weapon a considerable threat. Combine with Strands of Fate to make it’s shots REALLY hurt.

Corsair Voidscarred

With a suite of esoteric rules and surprising offense in the form of the Piratical Raiders rule, Voidscarred are actually scarier than they appear at first glance.

Sample Starter Warhammer 40k Aeldari Army

Army: Aeldari


  • Farseer. One Model. He is equipped with: shuriken pistol, witchblade
  • Eldrad Ulthran


  • Guardian Defenders. Ten Models. One Weapon Platform. Each model is equipped with: shuriken catapult; plasma grenades. A Heavy Weapon Platform is equipped with: shuriken cannon
  • Guardian Defenders. Ten Models. One Weapon Platform. Each model is equipped with: shuriken catapult; plasma grenades. A Heavy Weapon Platform is equipped with: shuriken cannon

Other Units

  • Wraithlord. One Model. It is equipped with: 2 shuriken catapult; wraithbone fists; ghostglaive, brightlance
  • Windriders. Three models. Each model is equipped with: scatter laser
  • Wraithknight. One Model.It is equipped with: 2 Heavy wraithcannon; 2starcannon titanic feet; scattershield

How to Play Aeldari

Aeldari are a dynamic, mobile combined-arms force. They can use exacting and precise firepower in order to eliminate target threats before those threats take advantage of the space elves lack of resilience. They empower this paradigm with layered special rules and psychic abilities.

Author: Allen Campbell
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