Ms. Marvel Cosplays Pack a PUNCH!

The hero we’ve all been waiting for is finally coming… And she’s breaking all the boundaries! Check out these Ms. Marvel cosplays!
As we move into the next phase of Marvel superhero films and shows, new heroes are finally coming to light. Recently, some of Marvel’s iconic actors are stepping away from their Avengers roles allowing new actors to shine. Today, we’re anticipating the upcoming release of Kamala Khan‘s story with these Ms. Marvel cosplays!
The Hugo award-winning Captain Marvel stories with Kamala Khan have been a fan favorite for almost a decade. The coming of age story is reminiscent of the newer vibes from projects like Into the Spiderverse. Audiences couldn’t be more excited about this direction Marvel is taking. Kamala Khan is bright, vibrant, and full of sass. Notably, it is going to be interesting seeing how these Inhuman characters are brought into the narrative of the MCU, and we are here for it.
The Cosplays
For cosplayers, Kamala Khan’s Ms. Marvel is a joyful project to undertake. Her costume is visually dynamic and very different from Captain Marvel’s look. Though the colors are the same vibrant reds and golds, the fit and drape have a more youthful and fun vibe. I can imagine some serious streetwear looks coming out of this Ms. Marvel inspiration in the near future.
Now, the show hasn’t dropped yet, but there were a substantial amount of excellent cosplay projects in the world to pull from for this list. Cosplayers of varying age groups and body types, ethnicities and styles have all flocked to Ms. Marvel cosplays. It is so exciting to see a character that draws such a divers audience of cosplayers to portray. We hope you enjoy this week’s Marvel cosplay feature!
Ms. Marvel Cosplay by Crissyscurious
” I want to be beautiful and awesome and butt-kicking and less complicated. I want to be you.”
Ms. Marvel Cosplay by EvilCleverDog
“Fabulous. Now I’m in trouble, too. This has to have happened for a reason. I saved one life. Does it stop there or do I go on? Maybe this is what I’ve been waiting for. Maybe I’m finally part of something… bigger.”
“Wait a minute… I saved somebody’s life on Friday. I am 911! But — everybody’s expecting Ms. Marvel. Ms. Marvel from the news. With the hair and the spandex and the Avengers swag. Not a sixteen-year-old brown girl with a 9 pm curfew. Too late for second thoughts. Don’t worry, Bruno… help is on the way.”
” Ammi and Abu taught me to always think about the greater good. To defend people who can’t defend themselves, even if it means putting yourself at risk. I wish they could see that that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. “
“Yeah, we’ve gotta do something drastic. But not this. This is not saving the world… This is saying our generation will never matter. But we have to matter. If we don’t, there is no future worth saving.”
“Everybody stop! This guy is not in high school! “
“All this time I thought I was alone... that I was the only nerdy Pakistani-American-slash-Inhuman in the entire universe. And then suddenly… I wasn’t.”
“I’ve faced giant robots, bird-men, Viking dudes… never a broken heart. I don’t know how to fight this feeling. I’m just glad I don’t have to fight it alone. “
“I was just in Manhattan, There’s — there’s a planet heading straight for Earth. You can see it from downtown. There are a lot of really scared people coming across the river. We’ve gotta prepare.”
“I didn’t mean to camp out on your alias — a lot of really weird things happened right around the time I got my powers, and it just sorta seemed like fate.”
“School, Avengers, my regular bi-weekly dungeon group in Ancient Scrolls Online… it’s all great, but it’s what Abu would call a problem of plenty. And the thing about a problem of plenty is… it’s still a problem.“
Ms. Marvel Cosplay by Kami Jupiter
“Something’s wrong with the Vision and he’s lying about me and they wouldn’t listen and they threw me out and — and — and you can be happy now! “
I have been waiting for this moment. I will do what you ask. With honor, commitment, courage, and all the other stuff.”
““I can explain!”
“The Cadets and I went to bust some kid who was planning to melt his own high school and I was totally cool with it but then I found out this kid is my friend and he hasn’t actually done anything wrong yet and now I don’t know what to do.”
“Okay. It’s okay. The admin will take care of it. I definitely should not read every single one of those fanfics. It’ll just drive me crazy.”
“You know those days you sometimes have? The days that seem totally ordinary when you wake up, but by the time you go to sleep that night, your whole life is divided into before that day and after that day? This is one of those days.”
“Inhuman is what you were always meant to be, Lunella. It’s what you are. You should embrace it.”
Ms. Marvel Cosplay by Meevers Desu Cosplay
“Hey… so… Lunella… I’m leaving you this message. I know you been through a lot. But I need you to hang in there. The world needs you… I know that the change is hard for you. But growing up is hard for everyone. You’ve been given gifts, Lunella. Even when being an Inhuman feels like a curse... have faith that there’s a purpose. And one day soon, all your awesome parts will learn to work together... and if you ever need me, just call. I’ll be there for you. “
“I didn’t want this… but I have to protect the people of my city. Even… even if it means protecting them from you.“
“Help us win the hard way — the right way — not with hate, not with retribution, but with wisdom and hope. Help us become champions.“
“And then there’s the fact that you can’t really run away from bad stuff. You just trade the bad stuff of one place for the bad stuff of a different place.”
Ms. Marvel Cosplay by Cappy Lannoire
“So I’ve gotta convince people to choose between an incumbent nobody likes and a fringe candidate working for a secret society of evildoers?!”
“Okay! What was that battle cry again, Hulk? “Go for Champions!“
“Are you stalking one of your guildmates from World of Battlecraft?”
Ms. Marvel Cosplay by pohutukosplay
“I am literally a child who can’t even vote and even I know that’s incredibly irresponsible! Take him home to your… your Star-Cave or whatever! I have to go round up the guys who got away! Because of my super-powers!“
“You’re just a person with a computer and too much free time. You can’t scare me with this Mr. Robot stuff.”
“You want to know? You want to know what scares me most right now? Losing what we’ve built… Losing all those people who look up to us! That’s what I’m scared of!”
“Y-you’re wrong about people. Most of them aren’t awful. Most of them are just waiting for a chance to do the right thing.”
“I have something important to tell you guys. I am Ms. Marvel.”
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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