MTG: Neon Dynasty Alchemy Spoilers

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty is coming to the Alchemy format. Check out some of the digital-only cyberpunk cards.
New Spoilers for the Alchemy version of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty abound today. That means we’re getting a look at some of the digital-only mechanics. We’ve got a look at four MTG cards, and they are spicy. Maybe not spicy enough to make vehicle decks as good as they need to be, but spicy just the same. Let’s take a look.
Neon Dynasty Alchemy Spoilers – Dragonfly Suit & Pilot
Our first set of spoilers is actually two cards. And honestly, it’s Dragonfly Suit Pilot that’s doing the kitsune’s share of the work here. It’s a pretty cool enter the battlefield effect. When Dragonfly Pilot enters the field, you get to conjure a Dragonfly Suit into your hand.
Now, conjure, if you’ll recall, is one of the special Alchemy-only keywords that actually just creates out of “thin air” a Dragonfly Suit. So even if you don’t have a Dragonfly Suit in your deck, you still get one with the Pilot.
Kami of Bamboo Groves
The other big one is the Kami of Bamboo Groves, which will ramp your manabase absurdly well. You could theoretically ramp into five mana well ahead of the curve with a couple of these babies.
More land is always good. Especially if you can get it when you know you need it.
Better Offer
Finally we get to Better Offer, which reflects the dealings of the rat-bikers, who are some of the best factions in the set. Better Offer lets you take one of your creatures, but you get to decide where it’s at. Perpetually means that the creature retains the attributes even once it leaves the battlefield for the graveyard, or if it’s exiled or what have you.
A fine way to either give yourself some gas, depending.
And that’s it for the Alchemy Spoilers this time, but more are sure to come soon with Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Alchemy coming around the corner.
What do you think? Dragonfly Suit Super Sentai team or no?