Star Wars: This is What You Get When You Squish Vader’s TIE Down A Bit- The Inquisitor TIE Advance Breakdown

Yeah I mean, its like a totally different ship, right? Either way, it’s the TIE Advanced v1 prototype, aka the Inquisitor’s TIE Advanced.
The TIE Advanced series is the pinnacle of Sienar Fleet Systems’ TIE works. Drawing heavily on the designs of Kuat Systems Engineering, the TIE Advanced borrows from a number of different craft, including Republic Sienar Systems’ notorious Sith Infiltrator, better known as the Scimitar.
Characterized by its sleek wings and more compact design, the TIE Advanced is more deadly than its frontline ounterpart. For starters, the TIE Advanced series carried shields and hyperdrive systems. And though perhaps not as infamous as the TIE Advanced x1, better known as Vader’s ship, the TIE Advanced v1 had variations that made it deadly enough in its own right.
Perhaps even deadlier. As the TIE Advanced v1 has never been taken out by a cargo freighter.
TIE Advanced v1 Design
The TIE Advanced v1, or the TIE/ad v1, like the earlier advanced TIEs was based off of the Scimitar. But the v1 was fitted with S-foils that could fold in space around the cockpit outside of combat. This made for a sleeker profile in transit.
But the v1’s quirks don’t stop there. To better compensate for the possibility of lateral attacks, the TIE/ad v1 was only fitted with solar panels on the inside surfaces of its wings. On the outside, engineers gave the ship armored plating instead. Which meant that the overall power output of the vessel was inadequate for a solar reactor alone.
The solar reactor could power sensors, auxiliary systems, and weapons, but the v1’s engines required fuel.
Speaking of weapons, though, the typical TIE Advanced v1 carried 2 L-s9.1 laser cannons, forward-mounted as is tradition, as well as a single projectile launcher that could be outfitted with a variety of projectiles.
The Inquisitor’s TIE Advanced v1
But the TIE Advanced v1 that served as the Inquisitor’s personal starfighter was even more dangerously outfitted. The Inquisitor saw to the customization of the ship. The Inquisitor’s TIE Advanced v1 boasted an even higher top speed, thanks to its folding wings. With the S-Foils locked for traversal, the Inquisitor’s TIE Advanced could reach speeds far in excess of 1200 kph of a standard TIE fighter.
It two was armed with its 2 L-s9.1 laser cannons, typical of the line, but was also outfitted with a specialized projectile launcher that could fire tracking beacons as well as 20 different missiles.
It also came equipped with life support, because it was truly luxurious.
History of the TIE/ad v1
Fittingly enough, the first TIE Advanced appeared on the Empire Day celebration in Lothal, 15 years after the formation of the Galactic Empire. The first TIE Advanced v1 was to be flown by Baron Valen Rudor, but Kanan Jarrus. The Grand Inquisitor was given one of his own. This one was not destroyed by Kanan Jarrus. It was only commandeered by the rogue Jedi Padawan.
Kanan Jarrus certainly has a knack for finding the ships and dealing with them.
May the Force be with you