Warhamer 40K: The Unbeatable List – Adepticon 2022

The 40K champ is here and the new boogie man of the competitive scene has reared its head. Take a look at Adepticon 2022’s winner!
We’ve all thought that the Harlequins from the new Craftworld book was good and it turns out they are. Between some aggressively costed units, high damage output, and surprisingly damage prevention abilities – the Harlies are rough.
How the Unbeatable List Works
The Voidweaver is a beast and this list has 9. In fact the other lists in the top had 9 too. Makes you think squadrons might be bad for the game a bit. Parking lot 40K is back and instead of Razorbacks or Wave Serpents it’s a ton of clown boats.
Will we see a quick nerf? Most likely as this list is just designed to wreck Custodes and be a beast towards Tau. They can just do a ton of damage and arr tough enough to survive whatever you throw at them with a default -1 to hit and lights only getting hit on a 4+.
I heard about GW store selling a lot of 9 model brick’s of Void Weavers this weekend.
Now onto the list:
Zack Point’s Adepticon 2022 Harlequin List
You have 4 solid Characters (Shadowseer, Troupe Master, Death Jester, Solitaire), alongside 6 squads of harleys to run around and get in your face. Now get ready for the motorpool… I count 13 clown boats! There’s more than enough point efficient movement, shooting, and melee to do everything you need to win modern 40K in this list.
Congrats to Zach Point for kicking butt with the murder clowns. Utilizing superior movement, damage potential, and just speed to wreck the competition. It seems the clowns had a nutty win percentage of roughly 80% as well at Adepticon as a whole. So yay to our dancing fool overlords!
~Give it up for Zack, and what do you think about the list?