Warhammer 40K: Kill Team – Corsair Shade Runner Rules Preview

Games Workshop is showcasing what the Corsair Shade Runner can do with its new rules preview! Good luck seeing this assassin coming.
While we would have really liked to see some new Warp Spider models GW did throw us a surprise with the Corsair models. Those are really cool and new. But they also show what happens when the Craftworld mixes with their Drukhari cousins. The Shade Runner is a great example of this and they have the tech to prove it!
“You may have noticed the funky shell device on her back? If it reminds you of the Warp Spider Aspect Warriors, you’re quite correct – give yourself three-and-a-half internet points. This blink pack enables Shade Runners to perform some pretty wild stunts that’ll have your opponents jumping at every shadow in the kill zone. “
Corsair Shade Runner Rules
That’s right, the Shade Runner is what happens when you mix a Warp Spider’s blink pack with the assassination skills of a Drukhari…well, any one really. They are all pretty much assassins. Point is that this combo is deadly! And in Kill Team, it super sneaky to match!
For starters, the pack not only gives them the fly keyword but they can also slice up their targets while retaining the Conceal order. And they can do all that on the move!
Those Daggers are indeed Hekatarii Blades which can do a whopping 5 damage on a roll of 5 or 6! Heck, even regular attacks are 3 damage base. Oh and they have the Relentless special rule which means you can re-roll thanks to the Slicing Attack. Furthermore, their throwing knives have the Silent rule which means they can also be used without giving up Conceal.
The Shade Runner is one scary assassin operative. Get ready to watch your back when Kill Team: Nachmund arrives.
What do you think of the new Voidscarred Shade Runner?