Warhammer 40K: Kill Team – Nachmund’s Interactive Terrain Rules

Tired of terrain that doesn’t do anything besides look cool? Kill Team: Nachmund’s terrain has a whole batch of rules to spice up your game!
The new Kill Team box is coming and there’s really 3 factions inside: Corsairs, Chaos, and…Terrain! If you’ve got a wide selection of terrain then you know how much better it can make your games. And if you’re just starting your own terrain collection then this box will give you a jump start. Most of the time terrain is just there to look pretty and to provide your typical battlefield improvements. But in Kill Team: Nachmund, this terrain does more than provide cover or elevation. Get ready for some truly interactive terrain rules.
“In fact, this is one of the most interactive killzones we’ve ever seen. Pieces like the Smog Stack can turn safe areas into risky obstacles at the worst possible time, forcing commanders to decide whether they need to push ahead and prioritise the mission, or spend precious time shutting off an environmental hazard.”
Nachmund’s Interactive Terrain Rules
One example of how the terrain will interact with your games is the Smog Stack. At the start of each Turning Point, you roll a die and on a 5+ it starts belching out Toxic Smog. In game, this applies a -1 Defence characteristic of any operatives within range. Thankfully, you’re operatives can spend a precious action to shut it off. But not all terrain features are negative effects.
This exhaust vent provides some additional cover. However, it can also get closed off which ends any of the bonus cover effects provided by it. Theoretically you could use the exhaust to hide in and then on your turn close the vent and launch your attack. Or just run through it like an 80’s action movie!
The Hatch is a good example of terrain that isn’t just more cover — this one actually rewards you for making a combat-time decision. Do you want to sacrifice a bit of firepower for the turn to explore? The longer term benefits might be worth the gain. That 1 xp could just what the operative needed to get over the next milestone and grab a new ability/trait. Now it just has to live long enough to utilize it…
“Several of the nine new missions in Kill Team: Nachmund add even more ways to use this terrain. Destroy the Substation challenges an attacking team of operatives to use the Energy Overload action on the Power Relay Substation at any cost. We wonder if their commanders have told them it’ll blow up in their faces?”
It’s neat that Games Workshop is using the terrain in this way. The rules make your mission objectives more interesting than “go hold this point on the tabletop.” They look cool and are thematically appropriate.
Alternatively, they can also provide other benefits during missions where those rules aren’t in play. Is it worth your action economy to try and snag a free command point? That’s one of those combat-time decisions you’ll have to make.
Kill Team: Nachmund goes up for Pre-order this weekend. Get ready for the most interactive terrain rules from GW yet!