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Warhammer 40K: New Parasite of Mortrex Rules Revealed

3 Minute Read
Mar 31 2022

The Parasite of Mortrex is back with a brand new model and a batch of rules to match. Come see what makes this creatures so terrifying.

It’s been a while since we’ve had rules for the Parasite of Mortrex in Warhammer: 40,000. But it’s returned with the new Tyranids with a great new model as well as some new rules to help scare up some more biomass for the hive. Today, Games Workshop has provided us with a closer look at those new rules so let’s dive right in!

via Warhammer Community


“The newest Tyranid on the block may not be a mighty MONSTER, but it boasts a host of insidious abilities that can hinder enemy units and wreak utter carnage on your opponent’s battle plans. “

Parasite of Mortrex Rules

First up, we have Swift Onslaught which is the Synaptic Imperative ability for this creature.

This can be super useful for your swarms to ensure they can fully engulf a target unit (or pull in even more tasty targets into close combat). It’s also going to stack with other extra pile-in/consolidation moves up to a max of 9″ — which is more than a basic move for a lot of units!


Speaking of basic movements, GW also dropped this tidbit about the Parasite’s statline:

“With the FLY keyword and an impressive Move characteristic of 16”, trying to escape the Parasite of Mortrex is like trying to outpace a jetbike on foot.”

That’s going to make the Parasite tricky to pin down for sure! Combined with it’s Shadow Hunter ability the Parasite of Mortrex is one elusive foe.

The -1 to hit is pretty mean but the attack cannot be re-rolled! That’s a new one and it adds some much needed protection to this bioform. As mentioned above, the Parasite isn’t a keyword Monster it’s actually an Infantry unit. That means it can even snag those bonuses for cover!


If we could backtrack really quick, don’t forget about the Parasite’s ability to create more ripper swarms, too:

This also ties in with an update to Ripper Swarms that make them even harder to shoot before they get to their next meal:

Altogether, this makes the Parasite and the Rippers a very pesky nuisance to deal with. Does the enemy really have the time to deal with shooting up those Rippers? Or will they have to focus on the bigger guns? But if they don’t deal with the Rippers and the Parasite they are going to get overrun! Talk about trouble…and that’s just how the Hive Mind likes it.



Codex Tyranids is coming soon — and the Parasite of Mortrex is along for the ride!

Author: Adam Harrison
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