Warhammer 40K: New Tyranid Codex Cover Revealed

We have our first look at the new Tyranid Codex and the Hive Mind is looking impressive as ever!
Get ready for a new batch of teasers from Games Workshop because they are ramping up the Tyranid goodies! Today we get our first look at the new codex and while it’s just the cover it features one of the most iconic Tyranid units in the game: The Hive Tyrant!
“Nobody embodies the ferocity and strength of a Hive Fleet better than the Hive Tyrant, which takes pride of place on this awe-inspiring cover. An oppressive rain of spores and flying bioforms blankets the background, blocking out the sun and perfectly encapsulating the overwhelming horror of a Tyranid invasion.”
We also get a full view of the wrap around artwork for the codex, too:
Tyranid Codex – What We Know So Far
It sure looks like some Aledari are getting their Biomass kicked in this cover. Between the covers all we know so far is the stuff you’d expect from a new codex:
“Inside the book you’ll find fully updated rules for the Tyranids and their key hive fleets, as well as background information leading from their first contact with mankind right up to the present day’s apocalyptic Octarian War. Despite the Imperium’s best efforts, Hive Fleet Leviathan runs rampant, and it seems that not even the largest Ork empire in the galaxy can stop them.”
The rules include all the Stratagems, Warlord Traits, Hive Fleet Adaptations, Synaptic Link abilities, relics and all the other stuff you’d presume to see. Naturally, with the new versions of codexes, we’re also expecting to see the full Crusade Rules to grow your own Hive Fleet from inception to world devouring army of NOM!
What do you think of the new Tyranid Codex cover? Are you ready for the Tyranids to land?