Warhammer 40K: New Tyranid Synaptic Imperatives Explained

Games Workshop is pulling the covers of the new Tyranids Synaptic Imperatives. Synapse Creatures just got a whole lot meaner.
Synapse has been an important part of the Tyranids schtick for a long time. It’s te in game representation of how the Hive Mind controls the Tyranid Swarm. Most Synapse Creatures have some sort of direct link to the Hive Mind and that helps to push out “orders” to the any of the creatures around them. Now, in the upcoming Tyranid Codex, those same creatures are getting a new tool — Synaptic Imperatives. Get ready for a whole new ball of fun.
“If every unit from your army has the HIVE TENDRIL keyword, and they all come from the same Hive Fleet,* then at the start of each battle round you can choose to activate one Synaptic Imperative. These are powerful, aura-like abilities that radiate from each and every SYNAPSE unit in your army until the end of that round – and depending on your swarm’s composition, you’ll be able to pick between a jaw-dropping 10 of them.”
Each type of Synapse Creature generates access to a different Synaptic Imperative. One example is the mighty Hive Tyrant’s Relentless Ferocity:
“Relentless Ferocity is perfect for repositioning and keeping up pressure on the front lines, as allies within 6” can launch fresh charges even after falling back. Remember, this doesn’t just affect units near your Hive Tyrant – if chosen, every SYNAPSE unit in your army will start emitting the same Synaptic Imperative.”
One more thing to note about these Synaptic Imperatives is that they can only be selected once per battle. And you’ll need the unit that grants the Synaptic Imperative around to actually use the ability, too. So if you’re fighting Tyranids and don’t like the Warrior’s Synaptic Imperative “Goaded to Slaughter” try to eliminate all of those units before the Tyranid Player uses that one. Good luck.
Other units like the Zoanthropes can help bring some extra Warp Shielding into play, too. Get ready for those Tyranid Monsters to be extra tough to take out for a round:
I have a funny feeling Zoanthropes might become even more popular for at least some first turn shenanigans.
With the new Tyranid Codex on the horizon it’s time to start preparing for those bugs to make landfall. Are you ready for a new breed of Tyranid Synaptic Imperatives?
The Hive Mind is getting hungry…