Warhammer 40K: The Game Is The Most Realistic It’s Ever Been Right Now

Is 40K 9th Edition the most realistic yet? Maybe…
Warhammer 40,000 is not a realistic game. There are of course some games that strive for realism and real-world accuracy. Warhammer however threw accuracy out the back of a tank when it ordered the driver to get close to the enemy so it could hit them with its sword. Sci-fi trappings aside, it is a game where for many years the best tactic would be charge across a modern sci-fi battlefield to hit the enemy in the face. Preferably with the most ridiculous thing your plastic dudesmen could hold in their hands and swing. It’s been a game where units without guns are somehow more powerful than units with guns. It’s a crazy game – just admit it. But it’s our beloved crazy game. However right now it may have temporarily slipped into realism. Let’s take a look.
The State Of 40K
Warhammer right now isn’t the most balanced game out there. Over the past year or so we’ve seen a string of armies becoming crushingly dominant in the meta. While the army at top has changed a bit, its been a very narrow band of winners. Moreover whichever army is on top tends to be really on top, with a crazy high win ratio and at best one other army that can really match it.
However, one thing that I’ve written about before is that these armies all look pretty similar. While the faction at the top of the game has changed, the needs of a winning army haven’t. In particular, a few things are coming to dominate the game right now:
- Indirect fire or attacks that don’t need LoS are very important
- Aircraft for a time dominated the game and even after some nerfs remain a powerful factor in some builds
- Strong hard-hitting units that can bring close-range firepower or close to combat to drive the enemy off objectives.
Many armies are built around ignoring as much LoS as possible and maneuvering into close-range firefights when needed.
This Seems Pretty Realistic
When we look at modern 21st-century combat we can see that the same factors are vitally important as well. While modern guns have long ranges, the nature of battlefields, especially in built-up urban environments, means you often have a relatively short line of sight. Airpower and indirect fire weapons of various times are one of the main hallmarks of modern combat. Most armies do whatever they can to “ignore” LoS and strike the enemy from where they can’t be seen. Preferably before the enemy has any idea they are there.
When indirect fire or bombard fails tactics change. The day is then normally won, especially in closed in areas like cities, by infantry closing for a close-range assault. While actual hand-to-hand combat is far rarer than in 40K, extremely close-range firefights can be common. Heavily armored troops actively pushing to get the enemy off of objectives is a real-world military tactic.
40K Got It Right? 
Long-range firefights between infantry formations, even supported by vehicles, are rarely decisive in the real world. Instead, a combination of air and artillery, striking indirectly when needed, backed up by infantry shock attacks is often the deciding factor. This is especially true in built-up environments.
Sweet, we’re realistic – kinda!
40K has, almost by accident moved in a similar fashion. While you can have a decisive infantry firefight at range, given the right terrain – it is not what is dominating the game. Right now its indirect fire (sometimes provided by air) and close-range followups by tough units. And this might be the most realistic the game has ever been as representing modern military conflict. Now whether it’s the most fun the game has ever been is a totally different question.
Let us know if you think 40K is suddenly more realistic, down in the comments!