Warhammer 40K: The Parasite of Mortrex Returns

The legendary winged Tyranid monster is coming back to 40k. The Parasite of Mortrex returns!
Well we finally know what the teaser was from Games Workshop for the Tyranids. Say hello to an old friend — it’s the Parasite of Mortrex. This time it’s back with more than just rules as it’s got a brand new model in plastic. Check it out.
“This huge flying gribbly – first encountered on the planet of Mortrex – was originally mentioned in the 5th edition Tyranid codex, and Crusade rules have allowed Tyranid characters to mimic its horrifying implant attack… but nothing compares to the real deal. With its new plastic model, this classic critter is lunging out of the lore and onto the tabletop for the first time ever. “
That is a fantastic representation of this monster. But what can it do on the tabletop? Well, aside from GW letting us know it’s got Synapse, there’s a few other things they revealed. Like it’s statline:
That’s not too shabby in close-combat. But how does it live up to the lore? Well, if you’re not familiar with the legend of this beast, it would use it’s implant attacks to help spawn more Ripper Swarms. And it’s going to be able to do just that:
Yep! You’re reading that right. Take enough mortal wounds and a pack of Rippers will pop out! Oh and it gets worse for those “hosts” too:
Rude. Parasite indeed! Watch out for this Tyranid beasty coming soon from Games Workshop!
What do you think of the returning Parasite of Mortrex?