Warhammer 40K: The Space Marine Armouring Ritual

Ever wonder how a Space Marine gets into that fancy Power Armour? Check out the new Armouring Ritual video for all the answers!
Games Workshop has a new video out on how a Space Marine actually gets ready for war. If you’ve ever had any questions about their Armouring Ritual hopefully this answers them:
GW dropped us a little bit more info about the video ahead of time. Here’s a what they shared with us:
“What is Space Marine Armouring Ritual?
Warhammer fans get to see exactly how the Emperor of Mankind’s greatest weapons are prepared for battle. They are blessed by the Tech-Priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus, calibrated by servo skulls and injected with neuro-stimulants to prepare them for the darkness of the 41st millenium.
This is a ritual that has never been officially documented, answering questions that you never knew you had, until now.
Why are we sharing this with you?
You mean over and above the fact that it’s just really cool? We wanted to showcase what the Warhammer Animation Studio has been creating and the quality of their work, as well as delve a little deeper into the Space Marine lore, showing how they equip their iconic armour.“
Space Marines Armouring Ritual – Now In Video
Pretty cool, right? But that’s not all! They sent over some closer pics to drool over as well:
This first pic shows our Brother-Marine here. Note the two silver service studs. Each denotes 50 years of service to the Emperor.
Here we can see the under-armour of the Power Armour suit. Not to be confused with the Black Carapace, this is the same part of the Power Armour you can see when you look at the joints of a Space Marine model. It’s reminiscent of a Stillsuit from Dune. Also note the circular parts where the various plugs for the Power Armour go.
And here’s a cool shot of the cathedral where the Armouring Ritual takes place. It’s not the Grimdark without all the Gothic and Skulls!
If you’re curious about the Power Armour itself, you can always read up on the various patterns and marks on the Lexicanum. But for now, enjoy the eye candy of how a Marine gets ready for war!
Having watched the video a few times there’s other details to pick-up on. For example, note how the Marine’s eyes dilate after a round of injections. Probably part of the combat stims kicking in. I also have always wondered about their pauldrons and how those connected to the rest of the Power Armour — now I know it’s 3 little nubs.
What details did you pick-up on? Any big questions answered about the Armouring Ritual?
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