Warhammer 40K: Tyranid Monsters Are Evolving In The New Codex

The Tyranid Monsters are getting bigger, faster, and stronger in the new codex. The evolution has begun!
If you like your Tyranid Big Bugs then get ready for more. The Tyranid Monsters are evolving into bigger (as in more wounds) and badder (as in improved stats) creatures than ever before. Games Workshop is showing off some of the new stats and old favorites are getting improvements.
“Every big bug in the army is improving, but we’re going to take a look at two of the biggest winners in a codex that is absolutely packed with more grisly gargantuans than you shake a bonesword at.”
The Carnifex Evolution
Carnifexes are getting some love in the new codex with an improved statline. Plus, with all the various biomorphs and weapons you can customize them for a wide variety of roles.
Carnifexes now have an extra point of movement, an improved WS, an extra wound and a 2+ save! That’s a litany of improvements to this iconic Big Bug.
“On top of those four attacks, their scything talons now grant an additional attack each time they fight, so a classic four-talon loadout will attack eight times, with AP -3 attacks that do 3 damage each.”
That means a Carnifex with some hot dice could potentially kill a knight with 24 damage. You’d have to roll exceedingly well — but it’s possible now. It’s not just their offense that got improved either. Defensively, Carnifexes picked up a new trick or two.
Maleceptors Get Monstrous
The Tyranid Maleceptors also got some improvements to their statline. This Psychic Big Bug is going to be able to do even more damage when you combine it with the right Synaptic Imperative!
“Maleceptors have also received upgrades, including a pip of extra movement and toughness, more wounds, and improved ballistic and weapon skill.”
This is just the tip of the Hive Tendril, too. There are plenty more upgrades and evolutions for the Tyranids ahead. The Hive Fleets are gathering and the dinner bell is ringing. The buffet is open…
What do you think of these improvements? Let us know in the comments.