Age of Sigmar: Slave To Darkness Are Getting A Bunch Of New Units

The Slaves To Darkness might be getting a new book in Winter 2022 — but the leaks are already here. Check out the new models!
Yesterday, Games Workshop put out a picture of the new Daemon Prince. Well, it looks like that was just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a lot more Chaos – Slaves To Darkness on the horizon.
Ogroid Theridons
Remember the Ogoroids? You know, the Thaumaturge and the Myrmidon. Well if you saw those models and thought, “Gee, I’d really like to get a unit or two of those guys” well you’re in luck! Apparently they are on the way! There’s a lot of beef coming with those models, too. They have the potential to get 4 attacks per model and wound on a 2+ with decent rend and damage. Look out for these beastly not-minotaurs!
Eternus, Blade of the First Prince
Eternus looks like a Champion of Chaos on a big daemon mount. He’s also packing a strong statline and has some deadly attack profiles to match. What’s really trippy about him is his ability to come back when slain. We’re not going to get into speculation on the rules right now as there’s a possibility these are fake. It’s a slim one…but for now, we’re just going to stick with those sweet model pics.
Also, What the heck is that:
More chaos on the way is what that is!
Horns of Hashut
This is another unit coming to the Slaves of Darkness. Based on the rules that were leaked with them, it seems like this could be a new Warcry Warband. We’re not 100% sure on that. However, what we can be sure of is that we like the model so far and want to see what the rest of the unit looks like!
New Chaos Lord on Daemon Mount
This is a new looking model for the Chaos Lord. That’s a nice update for sure.
Here’s another angle of the model with another version of the Chaos Daemon Prince next to it.
New Chaos Chosen
And look at that — more new Chaos Chosen, too! Each of these models looks like a character in their own right. Neat!
What other goodies does Games Workshop have? We’ll have to wait until Winter to find out for sure. But the Chaos Slaves To Darkness hype train has already left the station!
How about those new models?!