Age of Sigmar: What’s New in Thondia?

The newest Season of War is almost upon us, and it’s bringing some exciting things to your games in Thondia.
The newest installment in the Age of Sigmar lore, Thondia, is right around the corner. While the terrifying new Incarnate, the Krondspire, is the biggest draw for the book, there’s a wealth of exciting information, story, and rules inside. Whether you favor Campaign, Matched, or Open Play, there’s something in the book for you. We can’t give everything away, but here’s a quick look at some awesome features headed your way.
New Battalions in Thondia
Core Battalions brought a new way to play to 3.0, taking the teeth out of some of the nastiest Faction Battalions and forming a more even playing field. While a few armies can still make better use of them, every army getting to take them for free is a big step towards balance. Thondia introduces two new battalions to add to your arsenal, one to make your monsters deadly against other monsters and another to take advantage of the Krondspine. It also includes a reprint, meaning the GHB21 battalions will either be phased out or unavailable while playing in Thondia. We’ll have to wait and see for official rulings.
New Grand Strategies and Battle Tactics
While wiping your opponent off the battlefield is a perfectly viable strategy, the real essence of AoS is tactics. Thondia brings a new batch of Battle Tactics and Grand Strategies, and each one fits the bestial setting perfectly. The new Grand Strats reward Monsters and the Incarnate, so stock up on beasties. Meanwhile, the new Battle Tactics look very familiar, but completing them with Monsters is no longer the goal. Now, the Krondspire gives you the extra points, so GW is really encouraging players to bring the Murderbone along. Thankfully, it’s well worth the investment, so it isn’t a hard sell.
Updated Anvil of Apotheosis
One of the coolest parts of GHB20 was the Anvil of Apotheosis, a love letter to old-school gamers that wanted to build their own custom hero. The Anvil gave you the tools to make all manner of wacky warriors wielding all sorts of weapons (we built one here). Thondia will bring that back with a few Ghurish changes, allowing players to create their own mighty champions. While they still aren’t balanced for Matched Play, you can bring them along with permission from your opponent. In Narrative, however, the Anvil really shines, allowing you to forge an iconic leader for your growing force.
Will you be snagging the Thondia book?