These Mech Costumes are Unbelievable

These are not CG mechs or static film props. There’s a person wearing this amazing trio of mech costumes. I promise.
Artist XiaoQianFeng created her first wearable mech costume for her brother. She uses a mix of cardboard, press wood, wire mesh, ceramic tile, and some great painting techniques. Plus some patience and time, especially with getting the fit perfect. The result is mind-blowing. There’s a mini build of the mech’s sword in this step-by-step, as well.
Mechagodzilla Costume
You didn’t think she was going to stop with one, did you?
I made a MechaGodzilla Armor with EVA plastic and gears! You can not only walk in the armor but also use gears to control the mouth and hands! It took me 56 days to finish it, really a long time and a lot of energy. But I’m really satisfied with the completed version: you can see the lights and movable hand weapons. It is definitely the king of monsters!
Gundam Costume
More recently she completed a traditional Gundam suit out of foam that has an inbuilt speaker for sound effects. This build also has LED lights in the mask, chest, knees, and shoulder pads.
It took me 65 days to finish it. Really long time and a lot of energy. But I’m really satisfied with the completed version. The outer shell is made of EVA sponge board and wood board and the whole mecha is 2.3 meters high.