D&D: Five Spells for Making Friends & Attacking People

In a hard fight and need some help? Get yourself a spell that will make some friends. Try one of these five spells for making friends.
In Dungeons & Dragons, friendship is the real magic. Because the more friends you have, the more attacks you make. And the more attacks you make, the better it is for you. After all, D&D is a game of numbers. And if you can break the action economy, you can punch well above your weight.
These five spells will help you do exactly that.
Animate Dead
Animate Dead is sort of the entry level spell here. It creates an undead servant as a 3rd level spell, but that undead servant sticks around for 24 hours. In fact, if you keep casting the spell, you can maintain control on up to four different creatures animated with the spell.
That’s four different skeletons or zombies that you can make, plus an additional two undead per spell level above 3rd. Sure it takes a lot of set up, but few other spells let you have your own mostly permanent retinue.
Animate Objects
Animate Objects, on the other hand, is one of the more powerful spells in this milieu. Objects come to life at your command, and you can get up to ten objects with a single spell slot. It also only takes you a single action to complete. So you don’t have to cast it before the fight starts.
When you find yourself outnumbered, or when you really just want to bring down one powerful foe, you can have them gang up on your targets. Few other spells give you as sizable a numbers advantage and have the potential to do as much damage.
Conjure Minor Elementals
This 4th level spell gives you up to eight different elementals with a single casting. Of course, they’re only elementals of CR 1/4 or lower, which limits your selection, but there’s a wide variety of mephits available to you. And with eight of them, you gain a bunch of extra attacks and potential breath weapons. Again, the weight of numbers is a huge advantage.
Summon Lesser Demons
Of course you can go even harder with Summon Lesser Demons. You can get yourself multiple demons with a single casting. You have to roll a d6 to determine just how many, and the DM decides what form they take. So this one is a little more up to the DM, but it can pay off in a pinch. Especially since these demons stick around for up to 1 hour.
Of course, you’ll have to scribe a circle to keep them away from you, since they’ll attack everyone, even you.
Conjure Woodland Beings
This spell is one of those corner-case spells that’s either problematic or it’s absolutely fine. It all depends on whether you or your DM choose the creatures summoned by the spell. The best case scenario (or the worst) summons a gaggle of eight pixies, which might not sound bad at first.
But with eight pixies you get eight innate castings of Polymorph, which means you can polymorph your whole party and their friends into T. Rexes or some other dinosaur. It can really swing the primary use of a Conjure spell out of its intended use. But when you’ve got numbers on your side, you can do anything.
Happy Adventuring!