D&D: How Joe Manganiello Got Revenge on the Creators of ‘Game of Thrones’

Joe Manganiello’s D&D game includes a few famous faces – but celebrity won’t keep the DM from having his revenge.
Joe Manganiello, without some context, is a lot like the typical gamer. He has a basement full of D&D paraphernalia. He keeps a regular game going with his pals. And he’s not above petty revenge. Really all that separates he and the rest of us, are millions of dollars, fame, and the ability to one day actually retire in comfort instead of grinding away and realizing that if you live to 90 you might be lucky to not have to work for one year of it. Hey it’s Monday, why not start the week off with a little existential dilemma?
But let’s immediately relieve that with a tale of petty revenge that feels right at home on the set of Game of Thrones. It all starts on Seth Meyers last week. On the talk show, Joe Manganiello revealed a little bit about his D&D game, including how the creators of the Game of Thrones TV series pushed their way into his game.
Joe Manganiello’s Revenge
Our tale of revenge begins with Rage Against the Machine’s guitarist, Tom Morello.
Morello plays in Manganiello’s game, War of Dragons. You can see one of the characters from there in the WizKids x Death Saves bundle of minis, if you are so inclined. But, as Manganiello told Meyers, Morello was talking about that most RATM appropriate topics, a kids’ carpool.
“Tom said there was a guy in my kid’s carpool, he wants to play. I said nah, the group’s kinda big. We’re ballooning. I just want to keep it intimate. And Tom said, ‘he created Game of Thrones.'”
Of course, Season 8 hadn’t been out at the time, obviously. And so D.B. Weiss joined Manganiello’s D&D game, but it was just the first fusillade. Manganiello noted that Weiss was texting during crucial moments of the game, and when Manganiello asked “dude what’s up?” Weiss replied that Dave Benioff, the other creator of Game of Thrones, wanted to know how many hit points the dragon has.
And then Benioff threatened to divorce Weiss as a creative partner unless Weiss brought him into the game.
However, it was their own creations that would be used against them in a way. He used the dragons from Game of Thrones to antagonize the pair. As Manganiello puts it:
“My nephew gave me a bunch of dragons [miniatures] that were Game of Thrones dragons, so I would use them to try to kill them.”
See? Every DM is not above petty vengeance, and that’s part of what makes D&D great.
Happy Adventuring!