Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Mortarion and his Termy Stank Boyz!

After the Balance Dataslate – Mortarion and his Blightlords are looking REALLY good right now. Let’s see how good!
Hey guess what? A new balance dataslate came out that really shift how good Terminators are. Especially the stinky ones from the Death Guard. Now this list isn’t going to be out there crush fools it instead is trying to just get to the middle, hold some objectives, and be a pain to remove. Is that good enough to win a game? Maybe? Plus it lets you play Mortarion without the need for Mortarion to be really good.
Terminators are going to be on the table tops starting as soon as some events begin with the update. There is no reason not to try and shove as many 2+ save bros into a list and try to profit on new Synergies. I went a step further by trying to create something pretty basic to ensure you can finish the game and still do some good while playing with your big ole Morty. This is one of the most Goatboy lists I could think of and while not ingenious it does seem interesting.
Mortarion & the Blightlords
Supreme Command Detachment – 0CPMortarion – 490
Vanguard Detachment – -3CP
Chaos Lord – 85pts
Plague Surgeon – Relic – Fugaris Helm – 75pts
Foul Blightspawn – Relic – Revolting Stench-Vats – 95pts
Blightlord Terminators X 10 – Combi-Bolter/Balesword X 10 – 420pts
Blightlord Terminators X 10 – Combi-Bolter/Balesword X 10 – 420pts
Blightlord Terminators X 10 – Combi-Bolter/Balesword X 10 – 420pts
PTS: 2000 CP: 6
Stinking Death Tactics
So how exactly do you use this list in the new post-balance update meta? Now I think we could do some more Warlord traits but left it pretty blank as we know what this list does and how you can build it. It is the dream of a lot of DG players to just round around with all this fat and try to hold the middle of the board. Now with better armor saves and other fun things you can go let Morty do his thing as you hold your base, your objectives, and maybe vomit on a few things to control it.
This is an army that can take a serious beating and keep on trucking. Don’t be afraid to get out there and get stuck in. Your opponent will be sweating, watching the majority of his firepower pitter patter off your models like a sweet summer rain as you get closer, closer, and closer.