Is ‘Star Wars’ Coming To ‘Kingdom Hearts 4’?

Eagle-eyed fans may have noticed a familiar-looking world in the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 4. In a galaxy far far away.
The recent announcement of Kingdom Hearts 4 has fans speculating about what worlds Sora and company will visit this time. And some are thinking it’s going to get galactic.
Did We Just See Endor?
The short trailer for the upcoming game during the Kingdom hearts 20th Anniversary reel showed a quick glimpse of a forest setting that looks a little familiar. The heavily wooded location reminds people of the real-world Redwood National Park in California. But Star Wars fans will always remember the National Park as the shooting location for the forest moon of Endor.
Of course, many Disney IPs that Sora could potentially visit have forested areas. The galaxy far far away doesn’t have a monopoly on places that may or may not resemble Redwood National Park. But a quick glimpse of a metallic disk has eagle eyed fans thinking of AT-ST feet.
Star Wars and Kingdom Hearts 4
It would make sense for Star Wars to be included in the latest Kingdom Hearts game. By this point many of the most popular classic Disney “worlds” have been visited already. Since the release of the first Kingdom Hearts game, Star Wars was acquired by the entertainment juggernaut. Only relatively recently has tit been incorporated into the theme parks and featured prominently on the Disney+ streaming service. But that incorporation has been happing with gusto.
This also leaves a huge range of potential eras and characters to interact with. The possible inclusion of Endor would hint to classic Star Wars as well as Luke, Leia, and Han. But a forest setting doesn’t necessarily have to be Endor, and others have been seen through the various Star Wars projects. More recently Disney’s go-to setting has been the sequel trilogy with Rey, Fin, Poe, and Rose. The parks feature the Resistance and First Order through Batuu and the Starcruiser. It would be very on-brand for them to somehow tie a Kingdom Hearts cameo setting to park locations or merch. But it has never been in the Kingdom Hearts style to like the game up with movie canon.
There’s So Much Star Wars
This does leave us with roughly a million questions, though. Will Sora encounter a young Luke or be trained by an old one? Will players have a chance to ride some speeder bikes through trees? Could this mean a possible Marvel world or any of the other non-classic Disney IPs? Would we rather see Ewoks or Porgs?
If there are lightsabers, blasters, and a very stylized Keyblade, I think it’s fair to say that we’ll have a pretty good time.
Do you think there will be a Star Wars world in Kingdom Hearts 4? What do you think of the more realistic style of the upcoming game? Are you looking forward to playing Kingdom Hearts 4? Let us know in the comments!
May The Force Be With You, Adventurers!