Necromunda: Ash Waste Nomad Stormcaller Revealed

The Ash Waste Nomads are calling in a heavy hitter to shutdown those Cargo-8 Ridgehaulers. The Stormcaller is coming.
We’re pretty excited to get our hands on the Cargo-8 Ridgehauler for Necromunda. At the same time we’ve been wondering how the Ash Waste Nomads were going to deal with such a heavy hitter. Especially if the Duskback Helamite Riders were the equivalent of the Orlock Outrider Quads. They don’t have a bigger vehicle to brings. But they do have an expert they can dial-up. Say hello to the Stormcaller!
“These shamanic warriors are practically born in the saddle of the terrifying Dustback Helamites they ride, leading war parties from the deep wastes to pillage great convoys of Cargo-8 Ridgehaulers and the hapless underhivers paid to protect them. Ash Waste Nomads work best with the element of surprise, and can learn the art of seeing through a dust storm – so as the thickest clouds roll in, the Stormcallers begin the killing.”
Ash Waste Nomad Stormcaller
It’s not just the fact they can see through a dust storm. These Stormcallers are also the ones causing all the sand storms in the first place! How? Well we’re pretty sure it has something to do with the stormcaller staves they carry. There’s a lot of strange archeotech in the Ash Wastes and there’s a pretty good chance these Stormcallers have picked up a gadget or two.
These models exude character and details. The Helamite even has a missing limb that’s been replaced! That’s quite the touch. The Stormcaller is also wrapped in cloaks like the other Nomads but seems to have more under the hood as it were. Is that a mechanical hand? I wonder what other doodads he’s hiding.
The Ash Waste Nomads are coming to the tabletop very soon. Get ready for a new sandbox to play in with Necromunda: Ash Wastes!