The Original ‘Star Wars’ Rebel – The Saw Gerrera Breakdown

A freedom fighter his whole life, Saw Gerrera was fighting the evil of the Empire from day one. And before that he fought the Separatists.
Early Life
Saw Gerrera and his sister Steela were humans from the jungle planet of Onderon. Not much was known about their early lives, but in spending their youth in the Onderon’s capital city of Iziz Saw came to respect the leadership of King Dendup. Wishing to maintain their government entirely independent of the rest of the galaxy’s troubles, Dendup chose a stance of neutrality as the Clone Wars began. This desire to stay out of the war was not respected for long, and Dooku soon had an army of Separatist Droids invading Onderon and subjugating its citizens. In this environment Saw and Steela grew into resistance fighters.
Within just two years Saw had made himself the leader of the Rebels and was banished from the capital city. They collected supplies and weapons, plotting to take their home back, but Saw’s forces were always outnumbered and outgunned. They then reached out to the Jedi council for help and were quickly met by Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and clone trooper Captain Rex. While the visitors from the Jedi Council wouldn’t fight their war for them, they were happy to train Saw and his Rebels.
Freedom Fighter
With Jedi training, Saw Gerrera’s next assault on Iziz technically went very well. But the increased violence made the citizens fearful of the rebel forces. Steela argued that they would have to win the hearts and minds of the citizens or fighting for the freedom of Onderon would be worthless. She wanted to be more deliberate and careful with future missions, but Saw was went ahead with his missoins regardless. And in response Dooku and the Separatists sent more firepower to Onderon.
The rebel forces continued fighting and Steela grew into a leader in her own right. As their victory over the occupying Separatists crew closer, Steela was killed in an accident. Despite the liberation of Iziz and the reinstating of King Dendup, Saw was a broken man. Full of guilt, he made it his mission to fight against evil throughout the galaxy.
Saw Gerrera: Imperial Enemy Number One
As the Republic turned into the Galactic Empire saw’s militia turned their sights on Imperial evil. Saw Gerrera became one of the most wanted terrorists in the Empire after fighting against the Empire and organizing militia groups around the galaxy. He joined a smuggling ring, tried to help the Ersos escape Imperial employment, and helped liberate Wookiees on Kshyyyk.
After years of small battles and near misses with capture, Saw continued to fight the empire as hard as ever. But he was old, battle worn, and paranoid. When they were briefly reunited, Saw gave Jyn a message from her father, showing the weakness of the Death Star. Everyone fled but Saw Gerrera, who stayed behind and was killed in the blast that wiped out Jedha City.
In a series that focuses on war, Saw is a character who is actually realistically affected by tragedy and loss. And yet he is a character who, even when he probably should have, never gives up.
What’s your favorite Saw Gerrera moment? Which series, book, or movie that he appeared in was your favorite? Are you surprised he lasted as long as he did against the Empire? Let us know in the comments!
May The Force Be With You, Adventurers!