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Warhammer 40K: Chaos Knight Abominant Is The Harbinger Of The Warp

3 Minute Read
Apr 20 2022

Get ready for the Warp Storms to come rolling in when the Chaos Knight Abominant arrives.

The Chaos Knights are getting a new codex as well as a fancy new Battle Box very soon and that includes a variation on these daemon engines. The new Knight Abominant isn’t just rocking new weapons to slay your foes with. It’s also super charged with psychic powers that it can unleash on the tabletop, too!

via Warhammer Community

“An Abominant can manifest two psychic powers per turn and knows two powers from this exclusive discipline. They draw power from the roiling tempests within the warp, making it a sort of malicious, mystical meteorologist, divining the weather and coaxing it to do its bidding.”

Chaos Knight Abominant Psychic Powerhouse

You might think of a warp storm as something that happens when ships travel through the warp. But the Knight Abominant can bring those Winds of the Warp down on your foes.

The warp can do some funky stuff. In this case these winds help the Knight to avoid damage in some pretty strange ways. Winds of the Warp is an aura provides an extra layer of protection on the psyker that cast it and if it was manifested on an 8+, then it also protects other units within 6″ as well. Considering how tough it can be to punch through the toughness and save of a Chaos Knight having yet another type of save is going to be useful!


This isn’t the only warp storm inspired spell either. There are 6 powers in total and we’re getting a look an yet another power with Spitesquall.

Not only does this power mess with the target’s reactive actions it also has the potential to generate even more mortal wounds. Those extra wound could help mop-up the unit. But who’s going to help mop up the black rain from the warp?

Hey, remember the Favours of the Dark Gods? Well, if you choose to go with Tzeentch, you can turn your other Chaos Knights in to Psykers as well. All thanks to the Pyrothrone (which sounds like something else entirely).


“In short, this gives the model the Tzeentch keyword, provides any Knight who isn’t an Abominant the Psyker keyword, and grants the ability to manifest and deny one psychic power. If they are already an Abominant, their power is multiplied to manifest and deny psychic powers up to three times a turn.”

Granting this to your Knight Abominant isn’t a bad idea either. It’s just putting a lot of your psychic eggs into one basket. This basket just happens to be a massive warmachine with a volkite combustor and tentacle whip arm.

Your first crack at the new Knight Abominant will be in the upcoming Chaos Knights army set (which also includes a Chaos Knight Codex). Here comes the warp storm!

Author: Adam Harrison
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