Warhammer 40K: Chaos Knights Are Harbingers of Dread

The Chaos Knights bring the doom where ever they go. Check out how their Harbingers of Dread abilities work.
When the massive warmachines of chaos march to war the ground trembles in their wake. The Chaos Knights are truly portents of doom and they even have a new ability to exemplify that. Get ready to deal with the spreading Doom, Despair, and Darkness from these Harbingers of Dread!
Chaos Knights Harbingers of Dread
“This new ability offers a series of cumulative effects that emanate from every corrupted Knight in your army, creating a pall of unnatural weather that swells and twists as the fighting intensifies. At the start of each battle round, you choose an ability from one of three categories – adding a new ingredient to your bubbling brew of Doom, Despair, and Darkness.”
The Harbingers of Dread ability provides the army with a new meteorological cycle. Each round they can pick one of the three options depending on what they chose last round. The first turn must be doom. If you pick Despair you can’t choose Darkness on the following round — and vice versa. On the plus side, you can just choose Doom each round.
Games Workshop has showcased a few of these abilities. Let’s take a look at examples from each.
Bring The Doom
Dread Host applies a -1 Leadership to enemy models in range. It also applies an additional -1 from Combat Attrition tests. Note the skull icon — that denotes a Dreaded ability. They are going to be found all over the new codex. Basically, that means they apply an effect to enemies within range similar to how auras work.
Horror of the Warp has another impact on those COmbat Attrition tests. They already apply a -1 to the check. However, if an unmodified 1 is rolled then 2 models flee instead of just 1.
Depths of Despair
Creeping Dismay helps shut down enemy Aura abilities by decreasing their range. It also helps shorten the range on Command phase abilities by 3″ as well. This is a neat way to mess with your opponent’s ranges for sure.
Paralyzing Insanity is another ability that messes with your opponent’s plans. This time, it targets enemy unit’s Objective Secured abilities! If you’re in range then they go away.
Deepest Darkness
We only get one teaser from the Darkness side of things. Pall of Darkness is pretty straightforward however. If the enemy is shooting more than 12″ away then they get a flat -1 to the hit roll.
Learning the Harbingers of Dread abilities and managing the cycle of powers is going to really boost your armies effectiveness on the tabletop. If you can plan out your turns a bit you can really get the most Doom for the Boom!
The Chaos Knight Codex is coming soon! What do you think of this cycle of dread?