Warhammer 40K: Everyone Ready For Tyranid To Dominate For A While?

Tyranids are out, and they look really good. Brace for Impact!
We’ve been going through a pretty rapid Codex cycle lately. The latest book to come out in the new Codex: Tyranids. As we’ve come to expect from the recent books, it’s a strong one. So I guess we get to look forward to a few weeks or more of them dominating the meta. Let’s take a look at why.
A Strong Book
The new Nid book is a strong book. It’s got a lot of power packed into it. While a few units might have gotten worse, or made lateral moves (such as Hive Guard). However a lot of units, mostly the monsters got a lot of great buffs. They are strong and powerful, and will kick you down. On top of that you’ve got a host of great and layered army wide rules. All of this allows for a super powerful book. The 8th Edition Nid book wasn’t good, but even within that weak book they had some individual things that worked well. Most of those things got better.
Crusher Stampede
Crusher Stampede was THE Nid list prior to the new book. The buffs from it made a bad Nid book a strong contender. It won events. It was a scary list overall. If you were hoping it would go away with the new book, well you might be disappointed. As of now, Crusher Stampede seems to still be legal. This might still go away in a future FAQ or dateslate update. As of now however it’s still here. And its… its bad news! This was an army option that made a bad book good. Now it has the potential to make a strong book, bonkers broken. It’s something I think we all hope will go away, if it doesn’t, the game is in some trouble.
Poor Internal Balance
Another hallmark of a lot of the recent overpowered books is some… not great internal balance. We saw this in particular with Codex: Aldeari. In that book despite some major buffs to units, such as some Aspects, they were overshadowed by the Harlequins. This book has a lot of the same issues. While the cheap bug infantry got better, its overall not the star of the book. Instead you’ve got a list of units that are just… much better than other parts of the army. In particular, units like, Winged Hive Tyrants, Maleceptors, Harpies, Carnifexes and Deathleapers. These units are major stand outs in the army. Overall they are likely too good.
Top of The Meta?
Right now Harlequins are the clear winners of the Meta. They’ve been racking up wins for a couple weeks. We’ve seen the cycle of a new book coming out and dominating the meta for weeks, or months after they come out. Normally they are displaced either by a heavy handed FAQ or a new book. This time it looks like Tyranids are following the cycle. All signs point to them taking over, or at least sharing the limelight with the Clowns, for the next bit. So, I hope you are ready for them to run the show a bit, and remember, when you see them winning, it’s likely a feature, not a bug.
Let us know what you think about the new Nid book, down in the comments!