Warhammer 40K: Get Your First Look At Daemonhunters Mission Gameplay

Come and take a look at how missions will play out in Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters. Get ready to battle the bloom.
Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters promises to bring the grim darkness of the distant future headlong into the turn-based tactical gameplay of an XCom type game. Which is a great genre for 40K. Is it as amazing a genre fit as a Strand type game?
Probably not. But until the cowards at Games Workshop embrace Hideo Kojima’s unfettered genius, the XCom genre will have to do. And it will do quite nicely, thank you very much. Check out the mission gameplay of Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters.
Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters Mission Gameplay Playthrough
You can watch the full two hour stream to get a good idea of how the game will play out. But just from a few snippets we get a look at the tactical action.
Units will want to move to/from cover while taking up favorable positions:
And with the psychic power and melee powers you have–there’s a lot of tools at your disposal to solve the puzzle each combat presents.
Here we have a look at the Interceptor about to use his teleport strike to get out of overwatch radius, allowing the rest of the squad to move up without getting shot. Moments later, the Interceptor cleaves through another enemy, making for a frightfully efficient turn.
And that’s not even touching on the destructible terrain. This game looks like it will have creative possibilities in combat besides just “move here shoot guy.” The trick will be making sure they’re worth doing instead of just options that aren’t as good as move and shoot.
We also get a look at the Valor system which is a risk/reward kind of thing that lets you take on additional challenges:
With the promise of increased rewards. Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters releases May 5th, and you can find it on Steam.
Good luck, Grey Knights