Warhammer 40K: New Tyranid Stratagems Will Help You Devour Your Foes

Games Workshop has revealed some of the upcoming stratagems from the Tyranids Codex and they are looking mighty tasty. Check these out.
Going up for pre-order very soon is the new Tyranid Codex. Today, GW is showcasing some of the stratagems the Hive Mind has cooked up. If you though the Tyranids were “cooking with gas” before wait till you get a load of these options.
“At this point, everyone knows that Tyranids are really hungry. So hungry, in fact, that they’re legitimately trying to eat the entire galaxy. It seems like an unrealistic goal, but there are plenty of ways to help all that yummy biomass go down a little smoother.”
New Tyranid Stratagems
There are lots of returning and new stratagems in the Codex. Some of the old ones have been tweaked a bit. Some of the new ones are kind of crazy! In any case, GW is previewing a handful of them so let’s tackle them, shall we?
Acid Maw is a keyword that a few units either have normally or can be added to that unit. The best examples are Pryrovores (who start with it) and Genestealers/Carnifexes which can be upgraded to include Acid Maw. In either case, it can be a nasty surprise of additional mortal wounds.
Voracious Appetite is just a straight-up re-roll to wound for a unit. That unit needs to be a Monster but that’s not exactly a rare thing for Tyranids. For 1 CP your Monsters become even more reliable and deadly in melee…I’m not seeing a downside here.
Did your Endless Multitude unit lose some models? Would you like to pay 1 CP to get back between 4-6 of them? Because that’s exactly what this stratagem does.
If you are in Engagement Range, then the models do need placed to be within Engagement Range of an enemy unit that was already within Engagement Range of the target unit. That shouldn’t be that difficult to pull off and the extra bodies just might turn the tide.
On the flip side if your unit is outside of Engagement Range at the start of the fight phase why not spend 1 CP to make a Normal Move instead of a consolidation move? The bugs just got even faster this edition!
You’re probably aware there are different Hive Fleets, right? Well those different Hive Fleets are also getting their own special Stratagems, too. Here is Hydra’s stratagem that also allows for some re-rolls for the wound roll. The catch is that the target unit has to outnumber the enemy unit. That shouldn’t be TOO hard for the Tyranids to pull off. This one also combos really well with the stratagems above for some truly dastardly moves!
Pre-orders go up this weekend. See you at the lunch line!