Warhammer 40K: Panini Sticker Album Coming Next Week

Games Workshop is working with Panini for a new collectable sticker set collaboration. Time to get… sticky?!
If you’re a fan of collectable stickers and 40k, well, today must be your Christmas Wish come true. GW and teamed up with Panini for a new sticker collection. With 204 stickers in total it’s a massive collection. There’s also over 50 different hero cards to collect as well. To kick off your collection you’ll want to snag a “Panini: Warhammer 40,000: Warriors of The Emperor Starter Pack” — which is quite the mouthful. Let’s take a look at what you’ll get.
“This pack kicks off your collection with everything you need to get sticking. It features a full-colour album for you to house your stickers, complete with a Space Marine pull-out, 22 stickers to start you off, a special collector’s cardholder, and a limited edition Vindicare Assassin card.”
Alright, this looks interesting so far. What sort of things are we going to get stickers of? And what’s up with these cards?
Okay — it’s the art from the Grimdark in card and/or sticker form. I’ll be honest: stickers have never been my thing. I think I collected stamps for about a day for a school project when I was a child but that’s about it. However, I did collect various sports cards (primarily football and basketball cards). So I kinda get that need to complete a collection.
This collection is looking to be massive and it’s not just Space Marines, folks.
Only Available In UK and Ireland …For Now
Mark your calendars for April 23 because Games Workshop is only offering this collection in the UK and Ireland to start. Which is a bummer if you’re a fan outside of that region. But, if you are a fan, to get your hands on the starter you can simply go to your local Warhammer Store and get a copy of it for FREE — while stocks last of course.
If you want to expand your collection you’ll be able to buy booster packs. Those will come in either singles, six-packs, or booster boxes. You’ll also be able to score all the extra starter swag by ordering the starter online as well.
How long before this gets rolled out to the US and other regions? I’m going to guess about a year.