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Warhammer 40K: Tyranid Hyper-Adaptations Allow For Post-Deployment Evolutions

3 Minute Read
Apr 5 2022
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Ever wished your 40k army could adapt on the fly? With the new Tyranid Codex you’ll be able to evolve your ‘Nids to new heights!

The Tyranid Codex is quickly approaching and it’s got some great new tricks up it’s tendrils. Today, we’re getting a look at a few of the other army adaptations you’ll be able to take advantage of very soon. They are adapting to whatever can be thrown at them — it’s nomnomnom time!

via Warhammer Community

“These new Hyper-adaptations give you an incredible amount of flexibility, allowing you to change your army to suit your opponent for each game – after both armies are deployed and you’ve decided who has the first turn. With 15 different biomorphologies to choose from, you’ll be able to adapt to deal with any foe, and then it’s feeding time for the Tyranids.”

Tyranid Hyper-Adaptations

Let’s talk about those Adaptations. First up, the initial round of Adaptations comes from the Hive Fleet. GW gives us the example of Jormungandr to start:

It doesn’t end there however. The second round of Adaptations also comes from their chosen Hive Fleet.


Now, you might notice the Hyper-Adaptation rule there, too. If you’re opponent doesn’t have any Blast weapons (or if you just don’t think the starting adaptation is going to help) you can swap it out for a different option. This is where things get really interesting.

” There are three whole tables of biomorphologies to choose from – Feed, Hunt, or Lurk – and each hive fleet has access to two of them. Jormungandr, for example, can select an alternative from the Hunt or Lurk Biomorphologies tables. “

So what sorts of abilities do those tables provide? Here’s a closer look at three options from the tables:


Again, a Hive Fleet will have access to two of these tables — so choose wisely. It’s an incredibly powerful way to change your army AFTER deployment.

The Tyranid Codex is going up for Pre-order this Saturday!

Author: Adam Harrison
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