Warhammer: A Fistful of Grombrindal – Meet the Original White Dwarf

The original White Dwarf and his miniatures have been walking the pathways of Warhammer for over 40 years. Take a look.
White Dwarf is old, kicking off in 1977, and still going strong. But White Dwarf has a namesake – Grombrindal the original White Dwarf, and his trusty sidekick (nemesis, a partner in crime?) the Black Gobbo. Over the decades he’s trundled everywhere from the Warhammer Old World, to the Grimdark, and even the Mortal Realms.
Today we wanted to take a stroll down memory lane to appreciate some of his special edition miniatures over the years.
We will start with the latest ones, and go back…
Ad Mech Grombrindal – 2019 – Leagues of Votann, hiding in plain sight perhaps …on Mars!
40th Anniversary Grombrindal – 2017 – He’s got (Primaris) power armor, all the presents, and a giant cake.
Fyreslayer Grombrindal – 2016 – Hello Age of Sigmar! He’s hit the gym and who needs shirts?
Previous Incarnations:
We don’t have exact dates on these, but they are fantastic! Back then Grombrindal was into a lot of different careers.
Blood Bowl Grombrindal – Forge World sent the White Dwarf into the world of sport.
Vampire-hunter Grombrindal – Heck send this guy right over into Cursed City – ITS ALIVE!!!
Pirate Grombrindal – Extra points for parrot-tricorn. Probably off to Lustria, or the Vampire-coast.
Aviator Grombrindal – Someone had to test out all those Dwarf aircraft. I bet he’d fit in just great with the Kharadon Overlords.
Director Grombrindal – Maybe now we know who’s been behind all those recent WARHAMMER+ animations?
Squat Grombrindal – Pretty on the nose on this one. Certainly not a member of the Mechanicus. His gear is way to hard tech and not a candle in sight. A very early Leagues of Votann easter egg perhaps?
Classic Grombrindal – He’s a fat Dwarf king with a White Beard. Old-school.
Super Old School…
Now we are headed, way, way back decades, to the very early days of Warhammer Fantasy. Everyone has to start somewhere!
Which one is your favorite?