Warhammer Next Week – Thondia

The Realm of Beasts is beastly. Beastly friendly that is. See for yourself with the pre-order release for AoS Thondia next weekend.
Thondia is extremely fun to say. It has weight, it has heft. And it’s the next book coming out for the Mortal Realms. So practice all those delicious consonants. Thondia is about to take us all to the Realm of Beasts. Let’s take a look.
Season of War: Thondia
Season of War: Thondia is the next big narrative update for the Mortal Realms. Following in the wake of Kragnos’ return, the Realm of Beasts is cooking. And with SoW: Thondia there’s a lot to look forward to.
With the Era of the Beast in full swing, the continent of Thondia is awash with wild warbands. On top of detailed maps and a bestiary of lore, Season of War: Thondia contains reams of rules for scrapping over these savage lands in open, narrative, and matched play, as well as fielding the terrifying incarnation of Ghur itself – the Krondspine Incarnate.
The new season of Warhammer Age of Sigmar sees fighting intensify following the return of Kragnos, and the narrative takes its next thunderous step in his wake. Where will it lead? You’ll need to read Season of War: Thondia to find out.
But on top of that, you also get a new terrain set, the Throndian Strongpoint:
Which includes the new Krondspine Incarnate:
The Krondspine Incarnate itself is a beautifully detailed model of cracked bone animated by swirling, primal magics. Its fury can be commanded by any faction in the game, but they’ll need to beware its fickle nature should their control waver. You’ll find rules for this mighty magical beast – and the new terrain in the Thondian Strongpoint – in Season of War: Thondia.
Plus, next week on Warhammer+ the finale of the Exodite and more:
All this, next week!