Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Is The Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Next?

Games Workshop is bringing the Spartan Assault Tank to the Horus Heresy in plastic. Is the Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Next?
By now you’ve probably seen the news that the Spartan is getting the plastic treatment. We’re excited to see the kit along with those plastic Beakie Marines, too. That said, we also wishlisted some other kits from the Heresy Era we’d love to see get the plastic treatment. But we left one off: The Sicaran Battle Tank.
Now, you might have been wondering why we didn’t mention this kit. It wasn’t because we forgot about it. We passed on this one for the simple reason it’s no longer available on the Forge World site.
That was our first clue and what got us thinking about how the Sicaran could be next to get the plastic treatment. But it’s not the only clue. The next piece of evidence is also quite curious. The chassis of the Sicaran isn’t completely gone from Forge World. In fact, if you do a search you’ll get the four variants of the Sicaran which are still available:
That’s rather curious, no? If the Sicaran Battle Tank was just on back-order or was out of stock or something similar wouldn’t it just say that on the page? Instead we get the “All Records Expunged” splash screen. It’s GONE. Just like the Spartan Assault Tank is.
Games Workshop is looking to really revamp The Horus Heresy. By converting the Spartan Tank to plastic they are providing one heck of a transport/tank for the Legions. Having the Sicaran as a second plastic Tank option would also fit. The Spartan is sort of like a gunned-up Land Raider precursor. The Sicaran is has a similar relationship to the Predator.
Will it happen? We don’t know for sure! But we are starting to wonder what happened the the Sicaran Battle Tank and a new plastic option coming soon sure would explain its absence.
What do you think? Will the Sicaran make an appearance in plastic? What other kits do you think GW will convert from Forge World resin to plastic?