21st Century 40K, D&D’s Mystra, Marvel’s Clea, Toxic Avenger Reboot, FF:X Yuna Cosplay

Check out pulling 40K into the 21st Century, D&D’s Mystra, Marvel’s Sorceress Clea, Toxic Avenger Reboot (REALLY!) and an amazing FF:X Yuna cosplay!
‘Guild Wars’ Dwayna Cosplays Will Heal Your Heart
The goddess of healing, air and life is here in these Dwayna cosplays!
Warhammer 40K: It’s Time To Pull The Grimdark Into The 21st Century
40K is starting to look a little old-fashioned compared to actual 21st Century warfare – GW should fix that ASAP.
Marvel Explained: Dark Dimension Damsel To Sorcerer Supreme –Who Is The Sorceress Clea?
Now that you’ve seen Charlize in all her purple Dark Dimension glory, what’s next? Who is Marvel’s Clea? Will she be the Sorcerer Supreme?
Horus Heresy: How Games Workshop Makes The Legions Play Different
The Horus Heresy has a smart way of tackling the “it’s just Marines” issue. Each Legion plays very different from each other.
These ‘Final Fantasy X’ Yuna Cosplays Are Nirvana
She’s a Summoner on the path to banish Sin, and these Yuna Cosplays are casting spells on our hearts.
‘The Toxic Avenger’ Reboot Stars Elijah Wood, Peter Dinklage, & Kevin Bacon
Troma is back! I did not expect a The Toxic Avenger reboot after all of these years, especially not one with this cast list.
D&D: An Adventurer’s Guide To Mystra
Today we look at the Forgotten Realms’ goddess of magic, and regular returner from death herself, Mystra, Lady of Might!
Who Says A Droid Can’t Also Be A Spaceship? – The ‘Star Wars’ Droid Tri-Fighter Breakdown
Look up in the sky, its a ship, its a droid, it’s a Tri-Fighter! Today is the droid tri-fighter breakdown!