Age of Sigmar: Awlrach The Drowner Rules Preview

Awlrach the Drowner is coming to the tabletop and this cheeky ferryman of the dead has a few tricks up his sleeves.
The Nighthaunt Battletome is coming to pre-order this weekend and with it a new “Hero” is joining the fray. Awlrach the Drowner was a ferryman who would take his charges out on the lake and then push them over and drown them. As punishment, Nagash has brought him back to ferry the souls of the Nighthaunt units into battle. Today, GW is giving us a taste of his new rules and how he’ll work on the tabletop.
Awlrach The Drowner Rules
“This spectral sailor’s signature ability is Passage Through the Underworlds. All that time spent on the water in life has given him an uncanny knack for navigation across the ethereal plane. Awlrach can grab any visible, friendly Nighthaunt unit and drag them screaming through the netherworld, to make landfall elsewhere.”
This ability can be extremely useful. The Nighthaunt unit that is selected just has to be visible to Awlrach to catch a ride. This can help you get lots of things across the tabletop and into position. For example, you could use this move to drag a unit of Craventhrone Guard to position to fire on an enemy unit.
We’d like a lift…
You could also snag a unit of Chainrasps to go pick-up a backfield objective. Or maybe you want to go bigger and take another Hero with you…there are some possibilities here.
In combat, he’s no slouch! His Deathwood Oar can generate some damage from a safe 3″ away. This means he’s ideal to park behind a unit of friendly Nighthaunt Chainrasps and swing over them. Furthermore, GW also teased that the “ram on the prow of his boat comes into play” when charging, too. This is played out thanks to the Scything Ram rule for Awlrach. Expect to generate some extra mortal wounds with that one!
The Nighthaunt Battletome is going up for pre-order this weekend with Awlrach the Drowner in tow!