Age of Sigmar: Echoes of Doom – New Sylvaneth Unit Rules Review

The Sylvaneth have a pair of new units coming soon in the Echoes of Doom boxed set. We got a look at their warscrolls so let’s see what they can do!
The Lady of Vines and the Gossamid Archers are the two new units coming to the Sylvaneth factions courtesy of Echoes of Doom. They aren’t the only new units for the Sylvaneth but they are the new vanguard. We got a copy of the box and busted it open to take a closer look at their warscrolls.
Keep in mind, these rules are for the current version of their Battletome — they could very easily change when the new Battletome lands later this year. We saw it happen with the previous battle box release and rules afterall.
Lady of Vines
Stat-wise she’s actually quite beefy. 10 wounds with a 3+ save is tough by AoS standards. It’s fitting consider she’s on a larger base than even the Kurnoth Hunters. Her stats match her stature and her weapon profiles fit as well. She’s got a single shot 18″ attack that is pretty consistently going to cause D6 damage. Her melee attacks also have a nice 3″ range and she’s generating 7 total attacks. That’s perfect for parking her behind a screen and slapping away at a target.
She’s a solid wizard option and also counts as your general regardless if she’s actually chosen as one. Her Verdian Crown also creates some interesting interactions for units that require an Awakened Wyldwood for effects to trigger — she basically counts as a moving Awakened Wyldwood. The last three abilities were already revealed by GW:
Writhing Vines allows you to go more offensive or defensive depending on your choice.
Roused to Wrath can net you a unit of 10 Dryads. Curiously, I’m wondering how the interaction of her Verdian Crown and this rule work together. Can you deploy the unit wholly within 6″ of The Lady of Vines? She doesn’t technically have the Awakened Wyldwood rule. My guess is “no” since the unit has to already be there for her to count as an Awakened Wyldwood. But I’d still like some clarification on that.
Finally, we have the Aspect of the Everqueen. This one is a simple spell buff that gives a ward of 5+ to a target Sylvaneth unit.
Gossamid Archers
This one is less flashy in terms of rules but has some good utility. For starters they have 2 wounds and a 5+ save. Similar to the other spirit units of the Sylvaneth. They are plenty fast and have fly, too. So expect them to get where they need to so they can fire away. Speaking of shooting they each pack 2 shots at 12″ with a solid chance to hit and wound. No rend, however. In melee…well, they aren’t toothless. It’s just not their recommended combat option.
What’s really interesting is their Larval Shafts for their attacks. This can really spike the damage as it bypasses the attack sequence with umodified 6s to hit. Those just do a straight-up D3 mortal wounds. That’s really what you’re going to be fishing for here. They also have Forest Fighters which allows for a bit more space for coherency checks.
Finally, Zephyrspites allows for some extra trickery. If they receive the Unleash Hell command, and there’s still an enemy unit within 3″, they can retreat on a 2+. This is a really nice ability that allows for some Sylvaneth shenanigans to ensue.
That’s it for the new units in Echoes of Doom. But expect even more from the Sylvaneth when that new Battletome drops.
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