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Age of Sigmar: How to Play Idoneth Deepkin

5 Minute Read
Jul 3 2024

Today we look at how to play Idoneth Deepkin of Age of Sigmar.  Here’s how to hit those landlubbers like a tidal wave!

While not one of the most varied lists in the game, the Deepkin are an interesting and characterful force combining speedy cavalry and solid infantry. Here’s a quick and dirty look at the Idoneth Deepkin and a few essential units to look out for.

Who Are Idoneth Deepkin?

Teclis‘ first (and unfortunately flawed) attempt to create a race with the souls he extracted from Slaanesh resulted in the Idoneth. Unfortunately, they were deeply tainted by their time in the Pleasure god’s belly, and some were born soulless and eyeless, cursing them with exceptionally short lives. Disgusted with his creation, Teclis decided to destroy them, and in fear, they retreated deep into the Etheric Sea. They now live out their days as raiders, rising from the inky depths on the backs of terrifying sea creatures to hunt mortal souls to extend their lives and return to some semblance of their former glory.

Idoneth Deepkin battle the Maggotkin

Why Play Idoneth Deepkin?

Whether you want to play the soulless Namarti or the erudite Akhelians, the Idoneth have something to offer. They are fast, they hit hard, and they are a lot tougher than you might expect, and you get to pull some of the coolest looking models out of your collection. No matter how you like to play, you’ll find a list to fit your playstyle.


  • The army can be fairly low on models, so it isn’t a painting nightmare
  • Swift army if you go Akhelians
  • Namarti can decimate horde armies
  • The Tides of Death table is extremely powerful


  • Sometimes the low model count can come back to bite you
  • Namarti really rely on their support

Idoneth Deepkin Isharan Soulrender

Idoneth Deepkin Signature Rules

Battle Traits

  • Ethersea Voyagers/Raider from the Deep– these two rules allow you to deploy a regiment off board and bring them in from a board edge during the game.
  • Tides of Death– a progressive table of buffs that are quite strong.

Battle Formations

  • Namarti Corps– Namarti get to re-roll run and charge when near Akhelians.
  • Akhelian Beastmasters– plus one to hit for Companions.
  • Isharann Council– bonus for Isharann for being near each other.
  • Soul-raid Ambushers– allows units to leave the board to travel the Ethersea.

Featured Heroic Trait

  • Hunter of Souls– get better rend against Heroes.

Featured Artefact

  • Delicious Morsels– Heal (D3) each cavalry unit within 3″ of this unit in the movement phase.

Key Idoneth Deepkin Units

You might not see all these units in the same army, but these are some common staples of an Idoneth army.


Eidolon of Mathlann

The Eidolon is the manifestation of an ancient sea god and comes with  wizard and fighty versions. The above pictured Aspect of the Storm is an excellent combat force multiplier with its Drenched in Hate ability.

Akhelian King

A solid general, and necessary if you play mostly Akhelian Guard. Has a nice chain activation into Akhelians.

Isharann Tidecaster


The infantry Wizard available to the Idoneth can also have board-wide implications with its Master of the Ethersea rule.

Isharann Soulrender

An incredible support hero for your Namarti and a nightmare for enemy heroes. A must take if you play Namarti.

Akhelian Thrallmaster

This chap specializes in training the souless Thralls and gives excellent combat buffs into all Namarti and has a chain activation into Thralls.

Akhelian Guard

The eel riding cavalry comes in two breeds, the spear-wielding Morsarr that focus on attack, and the Ishlaen, which capitalize on defense. The Morsarr do a bunch of Mortal Wounds every time they charge and extremely consistent damage against Infantry.


Akhelian Allopex

The Allopex is a classic shark with a bolt thrower, which fills a chariot like role in the army. Unlike a chariot, the Allopex bites are quite brutal.

Namarti Thralls

Where the Akhelians have speed, the Thralls have power. Their Lanmari blades hit like a truck and can scythe through large hordes of weak models or bigger enemies with equal ease, with bonus rend against infantry and extra damage against monsters.

Namarti Reavers

With a fast move and the ability to shoot on the Run or Retreat, Namarti Reavers provide a massive ranged threat with their number of shots, despite the seemingly short range of the the Whisperbow.



Everybody loves the hurt-le, and now they’re even better. The Leviadon has an incredible aura ability and hits exceptionally hard and should ALWAYS be in your army.

Sample Deepkin Army

Faction: Idoneth Deepkin
– Battle Formation: Akhelian Beastmasters

Regiment 1
Akhelian King
20 Namarti Reaver

How to Play Idoneth Keepkin

Move fast, strike hard, and don’t stop until you take their souls! Idoneth want to be aggressive, and sometimes they don’t even let the enemy retaliate, so strike like a shark and leave no trace.

~They’re going to need a bigger boat.


Author: Allen Campbell
  • Age of Sigmar: How to Play Kruleboyz