Age of Sigmar – Subfactions of the Daughters of Khaine (Part 1)

When the only armor you wear is a bikini, you have to define yourself with fighting style.
The Daughters of Khaine just got a new battletome, and love it or hate it, it did some pretty great things for the army. A new hero, new ways to play, and of course updated artefacts and traits are all on offer. As with all the other tomes, one of the most exciting parts of the new book is the wide selection of subfactions. With the removal of compulsory artefacts, the subfactions are actually worth looking into, and the Daughters have some pretty great ones. Here’s a few thoughts on the first three new Daughters of Khaine subfacs, and which fighting styles each one is best for.
Hagg Nar
The first temple and seat of power of Morathi herself, Hagg Nar is the most devout of the priestly Daughters of Khaine. When they march to war, it is with the effigies of Khaine at their side, empowering them to even greater heights of violence. Hagg Nar armies can bring a Cauldron of Blood in addition to any other Behemoths they take (including maxing out your slots with other Cauldrons) so you’ll never be without the crucial Bloodshield. In addition, you can count the Blood Rites table as being one higher for this army, meaning you start the game deadlier and hit critical mass faster. This is the subfaction to take if you want most of your damage to come from your heroes.
Draichi Ganeth
All Daughters of Khaine are artists with a blade, but if a Witch Aelf is Bob Ross, a Draichi Ganeth gladiator is Michaelangelo. The warriors of the gladiator covens of Draichi Ganeth ramp their deadly skill to the highest degree, executing their foes with unmatched artistry. Draichi Ganeth armies can include an extra reinforcement, so long as the unit is either With Aelves or Sisters of Slaughter. In addition, on the turn they charge, these two units can add one to their Rend on all their weapons. Combine this with the Gladiatrix buff and you’ll but deleting whatever you hit, freeing you up to charge another unit you want to remove. If you want to max aggression, this is the army for you.
Khelt Nar
Unlike the loud and wild warriors of the other Temples, the warriors of Khelt Nar infuse their weapons with shadow magic to twist the minds of their foes. While they are reeling from the toxic magic, the warriors can fade back into the shadows, only to attack again from an unexpected angle. While the Khelt Narr do not get any special unit choices, they can charge after retreating. This allows you to slam into an important target, then ping pong into a new enemy. It also means you can’t be locked into combat, as you lose nothing retreating from combat. If you want to run circles around your opponent and sentence them to death by a thousand cuts, look into Khelt Nar
Tune in next week for the other three subfacs!